Lack of constructive criticism?

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Lack of constructive criticism?

This may offend some folk, but it's just a thought I was having about the general community.

When it comes to inflation/expansion/WG art.. Is it just me, or are most comments/replies either "YAY AWESOME!" or "I DON'T LIKE EXPANSION IT'S CRAP!" ..I rarely see any constructive criticism or anythign of the sort even on the images that aren't quite Grade A.

Are we just.. viewing it for the huge belly or breasts or are most people just choosing not to possibly offend the artist in question?

Then again, it's not like we go looking at this content for the "Deep, wonderful art" or "Thought provoking pieces"..

And such is me! I'm always bored and always open to chat or what have you. ^^


Not everyone's a skilled artist or a professional art critic who can give you pointers on how to improve your art.

But the people who just bash stuff because they don't like it are dicks.


Touche. >.> Well played.. Well played.

And such is me! I'm always bored and always open to chat or what have you. ^^

LutherVKane's picture

Constructive criticism walks a fine line. By its very nature, it expresses negative opinions about the work, even though that negativity is well-intended. It's difficult to criticize in such a way that doesn't offend the artist. And if you're a fan of the work, then the last thing you want to do is discourage the artist from creating more.

Most inflation artists aren't professionals. Many are still quite inexperienced and lacking in confidence. We want those people to keep working and improving. The safe thing to do is to just praise those things that we like and hope the artist will improve on his/her own. We don't want to risk discouraging a developing talent.

The best way to get constructive criticism is to just ask for it. If you come right out and say "Hey, I know my stuff needs work, tell me what you think is wrong with it, I can take it," then people are far more likley to voice their opinions freely.


Tossing in my two cents... Luther has a point. In my many years around this "community" I've heard/read many comments about the lack of inflation related content, wether it be picture morphs, drawings, videos, etc. But if someone comes along and tries their hand at it with no feedback, positive or negative. They might just give up all together thinking that no one gives a rip?

So I guess my old ass is trying to say... if you want the community to survive, always encourage the artist behind the work. Sometimes it might be very cloak&dagger for them to do the work and keep it hidden from peeps in their lives etc that they don't want finding out about their "fetish". So if you belong to a Yahoo group or site/forum etc, take a couple of minutes to encourage them with a message post or something. Sometimes it might light a fire under their rump to do more work or try newer things?

OK time for the Geritol and my nap. LOL

Inflation is better together!



I agree with Korota. Most people just watch, but can't really give good criticism, and the ones that do are just lazy to do so.... cough... yeah :D


yeah, that's true. I'd love some really intelligent critique but hell i think people with a fetish this rare are happy with what they get. It's not like every movie or tv show has inflation in it.



I do give criticism, or at least commentary. Thing is, I never post it publicly. Just a personal habit really, not like I'm leaping out and saying things that couldn't be posted. Most times I don't bother however, since when a useful to technique post is put together it is a bit too likely to generate angst.

And, truthfully, I'm not an artist. About the best I can manage is writing, and there are far more talented folks about than I when it comes to giving creative editing feedback.

Inflate123's picture

So much of what exists in our community is subjective that it's hard to give constructive criticism. I mean, what one person might say doesn't work about one drawing might be the very same element that the next person thinks makes it their favorite! Stories are a little easier to critique because you've got basic things that have to be covered, like character development and linear story and descriptive words and even grammar. But that's the equivalent of "make sure you use, you know colors--and try to draw lines to create your people, too." :)


maybe i'm just repeating what other people have said, but i still feel the urge to say something as well:
first of all, i wish there were more feedback in general. good or bad doesn't really matter - as long as it's specific. alec deluxe & i give each other loads of feedback for our stories & i feel that it has really helped our stories, even if not all suggestions get accepted.
it really makes a difference if you no longer have an "anonymous" audience, but realize that there are "real people" out there who react to the art you have produced.


I'm not unhappy with comments like "Wow that's so sexy" etc, but what I don't like is when people say nothing positive about the picture even though it obviously deserves at least some praise, and useless, single sentence comments like "Draw her bigger" and things just irritate me...