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Has anyone seen the Italian movie Amarcord?

If so, is the scene with Titta and the strapping tobacconist as interesting as it looks on the film stills I can find on the net? :?:

It looks as though she's having an inflation problem...but I don't think that's what's going on. Just curious.


Im not sure if this is it but, yeah... It this scene she almost sufficates a boy with her massive boobs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6ygu2sYMvg


Oh man! I forgot I posted that to the forum way back then. The movie still I saw looked like she might have been having some problems of the pneumatic variety.

She's definately got some probs...but they aren't inflation related! :wink:

Thanks for the find Nicknards...I didn't even think to look on YouTube. Silly me.