It's a conspiracy?

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SvenS's picture
It's a conspiracy?

Hi. Sven here, with some idle thoughts.

I've noticed a few things in the years of lurking and observing in the community. Besides the obvious common intrest with the inflatable, I've picked up on some seemingly minor similarities amongst members - small things like in backgrounds: places lived, experiences, jobs held, non-fetish interests, attitudes, and so forth. But when taken as a whole, they seem almost too coincidental. I'm not talking about the really obvious stuff like seeing the blueberry scene from WW early in life. I'm thinking about more subtle things like the whole aspect with the flying/floating away thing as mentioned in another thread. Am I alone in this?

Is this simply the result of how the fetish manifests itself in the culture? Or, maybe, is it more universal than that? Is it something latent in everyone that is activated by some complicated chain of events or.....manipulation?

Is it possible that the seeds of this fetish were sown as some sort of long term experiment in human psychology? There are examples of inflationism in popular culture going at least as far back as the early part of the previous century - cartoons, humor shorts - things I've seen on TV dating back to at least the 1930's. How difficult would it be to introduce the idea to small groups in various geographic locales and different times, then track sightings of the fetish as a way to study certain segments of the population? Could it be that, once activated, the tendency is a pointer or flag for other behaviours? Large populations have been secretly experimented on before, so that's nothing new.

Maybe I just need to get a stronger prescription for my aluminum foil hat.



I hope so!

I'd love to be controlled by some secret organization that's trying to make more inflation fetishists! =D

-Blown Up


I think you may be looking a little too deeply into the fetish...sometimes things aren't as complex as they appear *smiles as a man in black suit and shades puts a hand on his shoulder and nods*


Fetishes are developed from young experiences. The short version of it is when you were a kid you saw something abnormal that stuck in your head that you could not explain. Later on when you hit puberty it comes back and develops sexually....thats a really short version. Some guy explained it to me once and I am sure I butchered it. Bottom line is it isnt suprising that alot of fetishists have many things in common.

darth_clone19's picture

Its purely coincidental. Its sort of, you find exactly what you are looking for, kinda thing. You have this fetish, so whenever you see it manifest, you wonder. Its perfectly normal.

Besides, whod want to "create" this fetish on purpose? lol It would be a very funny guy let me tell you.

 -   Read my stories: 


hehe, you've clearly put a lot of thought into this, but I'm just curious. What exactly are these things we all have in common? and where is this place with loads of inflationists?


You know, if there is a conspiracy to create inflation fetishes, I really hope this is just part 1 of some signifigantly better plan. hopefully with part 2 being creating actual inflatable people, or at least some really cool inflatable suits!

SvenS's picture

Well, dang. I guess it's time for a new foil hat, then. Thanks for the input, everyone. :D

Say.... maybe this could be the basis for a new story?



The tin foil hat is also a Govenment Conspiracy. After several tests it has been found out that while the tin foil hat is fashionalble and does block certian radio frequencies, it actually enhances a certain radio band, namely, the frequencies that the United States Government uses. It is quite possible that they started the tinfoil hat in order to get better reception on some targets.

Fairia's picture

But would said similar interests be the same video games or shows we like? Movies? Occupations that make you think inflation?


i came up with a funny story that aliens are making people inflate,so they can eat them later.

i shall walk this way once for i shall never walk this way again-the unknown poet

Tenshu wrote:
i came up with a funny story that aliens are making people inflate,so they can eat them later.

Yep...that sounds like a real hoot there Pedro.


For one I feel that most people that are into this inflation are rather intelligent. Just an observation.


I blame the internet.

darth_clone19's picture

I'd say the parents are to blame.

 -   Read my stories: 


Well a conspiracy like that has no potential for money to pay off at this point, and is too big a thing to be controlled by any agency. Glad everyone was joking though, some people are serious and believe in conspiracies (O.o) The world is run by money, and it is much easier to get it other ways.

Come chat with me on IM!!! Keep me from getting lonely!


I'd say the parents are to blame.

i blame the aliens

i shall walk this way once for i shall never walk this way again-the unknown poet


Well tell that secret organization to make more female BI fetishists.



There are plenty, most don't want to deal with other people.

Come chat with me on IM!!! Keep me from getting lonely!



i shall walk this way once for i shall never walk this way again-the unknown poet

SvenS's picture

I blame violent video games.


I blame the Big Bang theory (get it?). Everything that has happened since started right there.

What Mr Hawking and all his scientist mates haven't yet realised is that a bored singularity over-inflated itself and popped, and thus expansion created the entire universe.

Those of us seemingly born with this 'fetish' are clearly the most perceptive, open and 'at one' with the Cosmos in a way that puts any soothsayer to shame. And so we seek to re-live this greatest of all moments in the whole of time and space by this fantasy.

The Freemasons, scientists and possibly the reverse vampires (!) are trying to keep us down until thay can conclusively prove this themselves. They know how silly they'll all look if Denise Nickerson, or even one of our very own community, ever wins the Nobel Prize for everything.

And there you have the plot for a sequel to the Da Vinci Code I'd sure like to see.

Now aren't you glad you asked? :o

"Continue the research..."

Inflate123's picture

I have noticed that the fetish draws in more creative types. You have to have a certain amount of imagination power to get on board in the first place.

I have a few extra aluminum foil hats if you need 'em, tho, Sven. :)


actulay I got somtin to say (for once iam coming out of the god dam dark hear) we very well may be started by the ver-inflation pop like srflour said o can I get a aluminum hate plz *sits in the corner with a sa-80 protecting his GF* "dont wory they wont get us"

doubleintegral's picture



By the way, if you see black helicopters hovering around your house, they're for your own protection. Yeah, that's it.


I think no one is to 'blame'. Your parents nor the internet tells you what to think.

I looked up info trying to figure out what causes such a weird fetish but they have multiple theories in trial. We may never figure it out. I'd really like to know myself!


I hope my ideas belongs to this topic, so here it goes. Besides body inflation, I am into almost all inflatable things. I like balloons, for example.
IRL, I know lots of people that have a fetish for balloons, but it happened because they saw a balloon site on the internet, enjoyed the idea, and started doing things with balloons.
I dont know any body inflation fetishist IRL, but, since this can happens with balloons, cant the same happens to Body Inflation? I mean: are there body inflation fetishists that started on it cause of the internet.
Sorry for my poor English.

Best wishes.

That nice black girl was really getting big. I pressed the footpump once more and she just popped!!!

Inflate123's picture

I suppose there could be people who didn't know what they liked until they saw it, sure. I don't know that seeing this fetish would necessarily inspire an attraction that wasn't there before...but this is one of the Big Questions anyway. Nature or nurture?

There is often crossover with the other inflatable interests--I was more into balloons at first because it was a "gateway drug" to body inflation, which I didn't know how much I'd wind up liking.

doubleintegral's picture
Inflate123 wrote:
I suppose there could be people who didn't know what they liked until they saw it, sure. I don't know that seeing this fetish would necessarily inspire an attraction that wasn't there before...but this is one of the Big Questions anyway. Nature or nurture?

I think it can be either/or, and sometimes both. My wife has certainly adopted her pregnancy fetish from me, and she was pretty indifferent to the sexual side of it before. Similarly, we have seen girls show up on this forum because their boyfriends are into BI and they want to learn more about it. At least a couple have said they had become interested in it after the initial exposure.

On the flip side of that argument, I was making (very) rough sketches and writing bad BI stories at least a year before I stumbled upon the inflation community.

By the way, it is obvious that Sven's initial post was a great example of funny sarcasm, and it is disappointing that so few people picked up on the joke. Sven, you are to be commended. The rest of ya, get back to work!

LutherVKane's picture

Perhaps it's a joke, or perhaps it's a clever bit of manipulation to make us laugh off the existence of the conspiracy.

But back to the initial post: The patterns Sven mentions are likely an artifact of selection bias. We're not dealing with inflationists in general, we're dealing with inflationists who've managed to find the community online and have chosen to become involved in it. I'm sure you'll find certain many similarities among such people, as it's a rather narrow self-selected slice of the population.

As for a conspiracy, I think it's a fun idea to ponder. Properly done it would be very subtle and difficult to detect. It wouldn't have to be a huge, ongoing affair, it could just be a self-perpetuating campaign that stays on a small scale.

In the past it might have been difficult and expensive, but technology and media distribution are much cheaper these days. It would be fairly easy for a small group of people with minimal funding to perform some significant psychological twisting if they were so inclined.

SvenS's picture
LutherVKane wrote:
The patterns Sven mentions are likely an artifact of selection bias. We're not dealing with inflationists in general, we're dealing with inflationists who've managed to find the community online and have chosen to become involved in it. I'm sure you'll find certain many similarities among such people, as it's a rather narrow self-selected slice of the population.

One of the more humbling things about the internet is discovering in the course of its use that most (if not all) of the "original" ideas one comes up with have been well trod. I think what LVK is saying above about the observations falls squarely into this category and that it is a case of self-selection.

But, by the same token, what is the mechanism that has created these circumstances? That was the gist of my original post, I think (and again, not an original question). Different cultures have ways of venting off social pressures in unique ways that leave observers in other cultural groups bewildered. Is this particular interest something that spans (or supercedes) disparate cultures, manifesting itself under the right conditions, or is it an individual thing that randomly afflicts a small percentage of the overall population and only seems ubiquitous because of the six or seven billion deep pool of individuals coupled with the growing use of the internet?

darth_clone19's picture

I think this fetish has universal elements, easy to think about on your own, and easy to see them as appealing if you get into it by finding, for example, this site.

Thats just my opinion.

 -   Read my stories: 

Mentalyinsane's picture

A friend of mine actually talked the BI (body inflation) fetish and what might cause it, with Luther V Kain a while ago. Both me and my friend agree that there might be a biological factor behind it. Because not everyone who's seen willy wonka (or anything with an inflation scean) develops our "strange" little fetish later in life. We (those with the BI fetish) may very well be born with a "glitch" in our brains, that allows us to develop this fetish.

The name's Noitalfin,


Well,a lot of good theroies.Speaking for my own oddities,I have been into the drawing/imagination phase since I was really little.Before I had seen very many movies.You know it had just got me trying to recall all the instances of body inflation I have seen in tv or movies.Hey,one of the first I recall that I really got turned on by was the scene in The Beastmaster.Anyone know it??He was magically removed from his mothers womb and her belly swelled up hugely before he was supposed to be magically transfered to a cow.Anyway,I have always been obsessed with this stuff and doing RP belly expansion and the like,before I had seen any shows with inflating scenarios.Yeah,as to the old Charlie& Choc.Fact.,the swelling girl was great,haven't seen the remake.How about the Warlock movies?Instant pregnancy!

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!

darth_clone19's picture

For me, as I started watching it on cartoons, it kinda made sense to me, so I cant pin point the exact time I started fantasizing about it, but Im sure it had to do with aspects of female anatomies that I used to like, and certain clothes. Maybe.

 -   Read my stories: 


Well... its hard for me to trace my fetish. But more important, we gave ourselves our fetishes, not an evil agency (which would be neat). And the internet only nurtures our fetishes, not give us the fetishes.


I do not know how I could have gave myself these fetishes back when I was way young.
I'd say I was born with it ready to go at some point.
Nah!....maybe it was the secret experiment beaming random potential weirdness into our brains.
Everybody has some kind of vice and/or fetish.
Spiritual baggage from past lives and/or odd challenges for our life.

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!

darth_clone19's picture

Maybe we all died popped like balloons in a past life :)

 -   Read my stories: 


HEY! That drags a musing out of my brainfiles.It isn't exactly on topic,and it isnt exactly related to darth C's post.
There is a theoretical physics, er..theory that there are multiple parallel universes caused by every choice of action.
It is called something like "bubble or balloon universes".
I know its a stretch.argh!the pun snuck up on me.

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!

Auriga's picture

Even registered to answer on this.

- About conspiracy. Most of men do like women. And it's not strange. About 3 billion reasons similiar on the genetic level.
And it's not surprising that all copies of (for example) Windows XP have similiar bugs, however that bugs usualy need specific conditions to went off.

Is it a bug of sexual appeal machine? Very possible. However, I'm not a speciailist in field of psychology. Freud possibly would say more on this topic :).
AFM in age about eight I've been fond of imaging something very similiar to topics of these resource.
Inflating and floating people. Overtime this passed.
Though the idea remained. Now I'm not very fond of these inflating-till-limit-and-popping stuff (However this site remined my half-forgoten sweat dreams).
What is my weirdness is closer to fantasy genre :
Set up rules (absurd and ridiculous, but noncoflicting). And then imagine a world that folows that rules, heroes of story should be almost real, with their personalities. There should be social system, politics, arts and fun, history and customs.
What is related to the topic, that rules include that group of people is inflatable. The fabrick of their bodies is a sort of living thing, conscious, but only if it is stretched. So, once deflated they are completely dependant on good will of others (may be those, who let the air out).
Especially interesting case - guys are inflatable and women are not. In fact, such society would live for more than one generation, because there are tricks to make children w/o male.
How could such a disaster happen? Once upon a time I wrote a story explaining it.(too lazy to translate it to English, because it's sized, and I want do this so good in English. I'm not fond of writing crap with litle value as piece of literature)
The root is just maried couple. for short - girl blames her boy for a gambling and wasting her fathers money. She expels him from the bed, and he demonstratively uses inflatable doll instead of wife.
Well, girl wents for a walk in the night. Some sentences are spent to explain her thoughts and state of mind. Quite frustration at the point of her guy and all guys in general. And anger towards that inflatible doll too. She said nothing, only thought.
She's alone in the wast sand-beach. Suddenly stranger comes, she took no notice about were he came from, minute ago there were nobody around. And there were no sound. Later heroine discovers, that there are only her footprints in sand, not his. Even in waning moon night strangers hair are noticeably red
They talk about different things, about fairy-tales of different nations. About Scandinavian ones too. As night-walker said, he traveled many countries and seen many things, world is boring thing. It's so hard to find a good and fresh joke now, but she have thought or wished for such an ridiculous and amazing thing, so he (never names himself) even visited her and decided to let her wish (curse ?) to life. And than he dissapears. She again didn't noticed how he did that.
// simple question : who the stranger might be?

- Well about bringing girls to conversation on such topics. Sometimes it's easy.
But - 1) only in virtuality. If they like idea, they than can talk about it in real life, but never do it first. You'll seem like having "idea-fix"
2) Offcourse you should be damn good in chater, silver tongue. If you aren't - just bringing girl to any conversation would be difficult. It's a usefull skill anyway.
3) Don't concentrate on scenes like inflating. This fantasy world built around is far more interesting.
4) Don't be very persistent.


Very Interesting...I'm a little unclear on some of it,but,I will try and decifer.

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!


Ultimately I think that the paths leading to most people's enjoyment of inflation are quite different.
I believe some had an affinity for inflating balloons and this was kind of natural progression. Others (like myself) enjoyed picturing slightly more natural forms of body expansion before stumbling across inflation. There are aspects of inflation that I find quite enjoyable now that I wouldn't have even thought of years ago. I believe the number of people who truly fantasized about body inflation FIRST AND FOREMOST from the start is probably lower than we might expect.

I guess we can partially blame the internet for exposing us to these radical new things. :)

I'd like to think I know a lot about everything, but that just isn't true. You learn a little bit more about something new each day.

Auriga's picture

However, subconscious reasons for enjoing expansion and inflation may be same (I think, they are same). But finaly, conscious passion begins from some trigger event and then, everything goes according to it, so there is a matter of habit.

If I'm correct in what I understand expansion and inflation are (I'm new to the community), there is something that is usual for inflation and not usual for simple expansion - helplessnes of an inflatee.
So there is a fleur of domination.

In the beginning I had dreams very close to the art, I've seen here. But now my tastes changed sufficiently. I prefer to umm ... for example, imagine a girl deflating me and hiding then into her pocket.


I can't blame the I-Net for my diversion.
I really didnt have any influences growing up,other than my obsession with pregnancy;and that goes back as far into youth as I can remember.
I have only been using a PC for 10yrs.,and only recently have discovered the inflation sites.
So,almost all of my past fetishness has been produced by my own mind/spirit.
Unless,you factor in the previous comments on the possibility of EM frequency manipulation.
*see:books by investigator Nick Bagitch(sp?)He and a group of researchers gave a presentation to US Congress and UK House of Parliment,on the dangers posed by covert gov./military agencies doing research on unsuspecting citizens.
They proved in public sessions how the agencies were affecting people by showing the methods by which they did it.
*books by Steven Quayle
*books by investigative journalist John Rappaport
*books by Dr.Fred Bell
Just in case someone is interested^_^

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!


My earlier post in this thread was likewise intended in much the same vein as Sven's original post.

This is an old topic, and it's re-appearance makes one wonder what other posts they've made in the past that had been completely forgotten.

"Continue the research..."

darth_clone19's picture
MariF wrote:
Ultimately I think that the paths leading to most people's enjoyment of inflation are quite different.
I believe some had an affinity for inflating balloons and this was kind of natural progression. Others (like myself) enjoyed picturing slightly more natural forms of body expansion before stumbling across inflation. There are aspects of inflation that I find quite enjoyable now that I wouldn't have even thought of years ago. I believe the number of people who truly fantasized about body inflation FIRST AND FOREMOST from the start is probably lower than we might expect.

I guess we can partially blame the internet for exposing us to these radical new things. :)

Well, theres a little problem with what you say. Because nobody can think of something, without having an impression about something else that affects what you are actually thinking about. Just because some people may not have liked balloons, or didnt see Willy Wonka, doesnt mean the fetish came form nowhere.

Our imaginations associate and put things together. Thats all it does. Thats why we see the virgin Mary in cookies, and aliens in rock formations. Angels, Minotaurs, Fauns...all these mythical creatures are just putting two things together: A man and a bird, a man and a bull, and a man and a goat. Thats all it is. Putting a person and a balloon together on our case. So, even if the person doesnt know, all they do is put two things together. Inflation doesnt come out of nowhere, first and foremost. First is the objects, then the imagination does what it does best. And it does it very well.

Another factor, people, especially women (please girls, dont kill me) are blowing up and deflating all the time. Especially women when they are pregnant. Then, on the baby shower, you look at a balloon, at your ever expanding pregnant wife, and you put those two together, then you say: "wow, thats hot"

 -   Read my stories: 


I think it's more that humans have a set of archetypes which often come together as vanilla sexual desire, but can also fragment into other things. For instance, we have a proclivity to like the feel of skin, but for some people that becomes leather or PVC fetishism, and similarly we have a deep desire for body parts to expand, for example in pregnancy, obesity (i.e. enough food), larger breasts or buttocks and erections, and that can turn into inflation fetishism. Think of those ancient figurines of rather large women.



Hmmmm.... haven't stopped by these forums in a terribly long time, but this thread caught my eye because it's a question I've wonderered about for a very long time. Not that it's a conspiracy, specifically, but if there's a common thread between us and what it is that "caused" this fetish.

I'm 27 years old. I can vaguely remember back to my youth, when my family first started watching cable and I had my first exposure to various Disney/Looney Tunes cartoons with inflatable characters. One of my clearest memories was when I was barely 7, I saw a cartoon involving Goofy sneaking around with a water hose trying to give an elephant a bath, tucking the hose in his pants and his clothes expanding like a water balloon as he walked. When I realized what I was seeing, I suddenly felt, well, Weird. I don't quite know how to describe it. I remember my heart racing and my cheeks burning, and a desperate need to change the channel, but I couldn't... I was both fascinated and somehow embarassed. I had the same feeling about 3 years later when I first saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, except that my family was in the room and I just wanted to run and hide... as if everyone in the room knew I was reacting to what I was seeing.

I probably should mention that I had a very personal brush with body expansion in the first couple years of my life, undergoing constant medical testing for a bladder condition. Not wanting to get into too much detail, it involved a large bag of solution and a catheter, much like what some fetishists actually do to "inflate" themselves, except medically supervised. I always felt terribly humiliated when I had to go through those tests, and I belive that they were the root of my fetish. Though I still have no real explanation for how that became a sexual trigger later in life.

Whoever it was that said maybe this trend is in creative types, I definitely agree with you, as I have always been an artistic and imaginative person. I remember having a lot of inflation daydreams as a kid, usually involving other imaginary people... and playing dress up and stuffing the clothes to make me look fat. (I wonder now if my parents thought something was wrong with me?? Haha) I also made the visual and conceptual connection between inflating people and fat people, early on, and so was always embarassed and uncomfortable around them (pregnant women also). There was also the trend later, around age 12 or 13, when I would lock my bedroom door at night and stuff all of my bedcovers into my pajamas. This was the age where I started internalizing my fascination with inflatable things, as the early adolescent years tend to be for a lot of things. I was also kind of a social outcast, so I had a lot of hours to fill with idle daydreaming. Of course, once I got into my mid teens I had associated a great deal of shame with it, but the harder I tried to ignore it, the bigger my "binges" would be... sudden bouts of wanting to stuff my pajamas and doodle little inflated figures.

It wasn't until I discovered this website, actually, that I realized that my fascination was sort of a fetish. I had gone a good long time without thinking about inflation at all (in the neighborhood of 2 years) until it came raging back to my memory one idle night in April 2003. It was that night that I was trying to google up inflation images and stumbled upon this site. So the existence of this website, (and the overwhelming knowledge that I'm not nearly the only "freak" in the world with this condition) definitely did not cause my fetish, but it surely was the key to my coming to terms with and learning to accept it.

I wonder if we could keep a list of the things we have in common that may or may not have to do with the existence of our fetish? So far I have,

-Creative tendencies
-Exposure to movies and/or cartoons
-Was anyone else kind of a social loner like me?

Very interesting thoughts and humor/sarcasm aside, I am quite fascinated by this topic.


Indeed,indeed.Your story sounds almost exactly like many of us.We each have our own personal variances of activity;but,mainly the same.
You are not alone,friend.
I have only recently stumbled upon these places and I feel the same as you,I now know there are other folks that have this particular attraction.
I had felt like I was nutty for, whole life.
For some reason obsessed with pregnancy and swelling up as long as I can remember back.
Ah,exhibit A...Charlie & T. Choc.Fact.;the one with Gene Wilder?
You know the cartoons didnt really do anything for me when I did see any of those like you were talking about.
I can remember them.
I was the way I am before seeing any media with inflation.
I was trying to remember some other shows that had instances of inflation that I had seen when younger.
When I do I'll post and see if anybody else knows them.

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!

LutherVKane's picture

The wheels in my head spin slowly, but they do spin.

It's a fascinating idea, a secret organization working in the shadows to advance the inflation fetish. It got me thinking. What would such a conspiracy look like? What would it do? How would it operate?

Eventually thinking go to writing, and now over a year later I've managed to carve story from this thinking. Life's kinda funny like that.

Conspiracy: Peer Pressure