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You have no doubt noticed

That our lovely figurehead is missing from the upper left corner. This is due to the artist who provided it to us recieved the internet equivalent of *insert worst perversion you can think of here*.
As such he's removing all of his art so he can avoid future incidents of this occuring.

RenegadeKamui's picture

That's a damn shame. Does anyone want to suggest a new pic for the logo? I nominate this one, from the waist up so it fits.


This has always been my favourite:



what does *insert worst perversion* mean?

I vote the bighorse one... it's a great pic I keep forgetting about only to be reminded how I love it so much. Also it is full body inflation!

Archangel_Dreadnought's picture

How about we get some artists to make a new ones and then vote on those.

So many inflation drawings lack flow/life, they are just a girl standing around with a hose stuck somewhere and large whatevers.


This one is my very favorite.


As far as the site image girl thing goes. I think there may be more to it than we all think. Is it not true that it is impossible to figure out how any human being thinks?

I cannot even figure out why I act the way I do sometimes.

No matter how small or ridiculous something may seem, it may have meant a lot to have it taken down for whatever reason there is.

Please keep in mind I'm not here to be a message board policeman nor to irritate or point fingers at wrong things that go up. I'm just voicing my opinion on the matter and putting out a reminder that we all should remember that we don't see everything the other person sees.
Also I'm not here to forcibly change anyone's opinion.
This is a personal feelings thing that everyone should take into account, including myself as I find myself in constant problems of my own devices.

Your neighborhood friendly inflation content lurker. ^_^


So who was it that did that work? I thought it was Kane all this time.

doubleintegral's picture
Roger64 wrote:
So who was it that did that work?


Inflate123's picture

Sorry to see CattyN pull all the work back. I know they've had problems and issues in the past.

I vote for the Bighorse pic, but I don't know if our votes count. :)


CattyN!? Not CattyN!


I nominate:
The lovely Miss Bulger
The poses in the second and third panels of this one
And lastly, this lovely blond woman

"To invent an airplane is nothing. To build one is something. But to fly is everything." Otto Lilienthal


I'll nominate Pooko because I'm her biggest fan and I think she'd fit the bill. She's big, cute, round, and colorful.

Or Blueberry Rachel that I had Mr. Oma comission for me.

LutherVKane's picture
Inflate123 wrote:
I vote for the Bighorse pic, but I don't know if our votes count. :)

It's not really a vote, but I do appreciate people offering their opinions on who the new mascot should be.

When selecting an image for the site header, I'm generally looking for the following:

- female
- full body inflation
- clothed
- no background
- sharp lines

CattyN's work tends to be fairly colorful and cartoonish with clean lines, so his art makes for good header images.

I'd want to get the artist's approval before using a picture as the site mascot, since such a prominent placement does imply a certain amount of endorsement.

CattyN's departure was sudden and I haven't had much time to look for a suitable replacement picture. Time permitting, I'll do some searching this weekend. I'm happy to hear people's suggestions.

- female

- full body inflation

- clothed

- no background

- sharp lines

Hmmm, Pooko's full bodied. Check. Clothed: Crap she's naked but she doesn't have any bits really. No background can be fixed, Sharp lines:eh.

Plus she belongs to Sailor Moon, looks like a really low chance of that chick. Of well I tried.

RenegadeKamui's picture
LutherVKane wrote:
- female
- full body inflation
- clothed
- no background
- sharp lines

Those are tough standards, but it looks like there are at least a few pics that meet the criteria:
(she's wearing a flesh-tone bodysuit, hence the lack of nipples)
(background could easily be lassoed out)


I guess Kraban's wouldn't fit then...with the lack of clean lines and all. His work is great and he really loves this place though.


How about a few Artists try coming up with a new pic for this very purpose?

"Continue the research..."


Freakinweirdo's pic doesn't really have clean lines (not a criticism of him of course, just that his style isn't the style luther wants, it wouldn't look right alongside the design of the site, which is all clean lines)

The other pic, while good is an elf girl... I think we should steer clear of anything that isn't a particular part of fetish (i.e. while there is nothing wrong with elf girls per se, and some people here specifically prefer them, to use one as our mascot would seem to be saying this is a site for those with elf-girl inflation fetishes)

The picture should show our fetish in it's most basic form... i.e. the only notable aspect of it is that is is a girl inflating... nothing additional on top of that.

I think maybe we should pick a few pieces by our best artists, and crop them all to squares and then have the row of squares as our mascots... we could then show, for example... body, breast, belly and butt inflation.


I'll throw my hat into the "Let some artists submit some stuff" box.

RenegadeKamui's picture
carnatic wrote:
I think we should steer clear of anything that isn't a particular part of fetish (i.e. while there is nothing wrong with elf girls per se, and some people here specifically prefer them, to use one as our mascot would seem to be saying this is a site for those with elf-girl inflation fetishes)

Wasn't the old mascot a catgirl?


the old mascot was a human. I think I may take a try as well.

Your neighborhood friendly inflation content lurker. ^_^

RenegadeKamui's picture

Weird, I thought I remembered her having a tail. Maybe I'm con(or in-)flating her with CattyN's other work.

If the elf ears are a problem, they could easily be erased.

The composite logo is an interesting idea, but for three pics to fit under the text, they'd have to be shrunk down considerably, and unless they were all the same style, it'd just look weird.


Who says a composite of images would have to be scaled down? Run them across the top of the page like a banner. For that matter, how about an animated GIF -- unless the crowd here feels strongly about animated junk on Web pages?

darth_clone19's picture

Ok, a contest. Everyone, draw up a clean lined mascot, simple, and whoever wins gets a prize. What prize may that be? i dont know lol

haha Nah, forget that. lets just go by anything by Big Horse :p The one nineteenthly and Inflate suggest is my favorite in the whole wide world :)

 -   Read my stories: 

klaeresource wrote:
Who says a composite of images would have to be scaled down? Run them across the top of the page like a banner. For that matter, how about an animated GIF -- unless the crowd here feels strongly about animated junk on Web pages?

yeah... they'd be alongside the text like the old one was... also if they are enclosed in square frames rather than just free on the page then...

they wouldn't look wierd if they were different styles, think pictures on an art gallery wall.

they could have backgrounds.

we could crop to the detail, create a story of body inflation in a few select crops. Like the way my avatar on DA is a cropped version of one of my full body drawings ' '


double post :?


Well, the prize would be, of course, having your art chosen to be the de facto mascot of, right? I like the idea of using a Big Horse piece; I really think his art is the most iconic of the community.


Should we not wait for Luther to say something on the issue.


Could we not do a poll?



Your neighborhood friendly inflation content lurker. ^_^


I nominate Freakinweirdo to do a mascot. Kane, if you want, I can talk to him about it.


There are only two ways a new mascot is going to be chosen. Either Luther just picks one out himself or we have a vote... and if we have a vote we must do it properly.

I just want to suggest that if you want to nominate your favourite artist, or draw something specially to pitch as the new mascot... don't get your hopes up that there will even be a competition. Luther is well within his rights to just pick what he likes best and we go with that.

I just feel that we're pressuring him into putting it to the community when he may not want to. He might already have something in mind and all this talk of nominations and people's entries for the 'competition' will have him feeling he has no choice but to honour our requests.


There are only two ways a new mascot is going to be chosen. Either Luther just picks one out himself or we have a vote... and if we have a vote we must do it properly.

I just want to suggest that if you want to nominate your favourite artist, or draw something specially to pitch as the new mascot... don't get your hopes up that there will even be a competition. Luther is well within his rights to just pick what he likes best and we go with that.

I just feel that we're pressuring him into putting it to the community when he may not want to. He might already have something in mind and all this talk of nominations and people's entries for the 'competition' will have him feeling he has no choice but to honour our requests.


Or the mascot can be temporary, changing every so often. On another thread, Newbie (Sharron) said she bought the Darkside blueberry suit and will post images. If it meets with approval all around, maybe one of those images might be the mascot for a few weeks?

Fairia's picture

Oddly enough, part of my dream has an image of what the new top icon for would be, but I don't remember what the image looked like :P


Hey, long time no speak everybody!

This is interesting to say the least, the first thing I noticed when I came to the page was that the image had vanished from up top...

I'm willing to draw something if nobody has any objections to it, though it'll be completely to LVK's standard criteria.
So what he wants he'll get.
I'm up for using old faves from the gallery too of course, but wanted to try something fresh but would sit comfortably with everybody that frequents the site.

I wouldn't expect anything for it either, it'll be for the community in entirety. ^_^

doubleintegral's picture

Putting the cart before the horse.

This thread is a couple of weeks old now, and there hasn't been a response from Luther. That suggests to me that any of a few things are the case:

1. He's not interested in soliciting opinions from others, but is too nice to say it.
2. He has already made arrangements with an artist to create a new graphic and is keeping it under wraps.
3. He doesn't really care about replacing the original graphic and is happy with the status quo.
4. He hasn't decided what to do yet.

I'm with Carnatic on this one. Don't expect that your opinion will be taken into consideration, because he doesn't have to.


Anyone who wants to submit a picture might as well just do so in the same way you normally would here. The more the merrier.

Anything new that looks promising could well be in the running. If not we maybe get to see a few extra new pics in the Gallery. Win-win for the inhabitants either way.

"Continue the research..."


And then there's always the Internet Explorer Bloatware girl, or hasn't anyone else noticed her right there?

(I'll be away for couple of weeks or so - see if anyone can come up with their own version)

"Continue the research..."


I say let one of the newer artists to the community draw up a logo male or female, that way they get noticed a bit more whenever someone comes to the site.

I was told to change my signature. So I did.