question to thing about

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question to thing about

ok say u have a partner, and one day u have a conversation with this partner about fetishes/fantasies. would u tell them or not? say u tell them bout this dirty little secret of urs, wat would they think? now say they like the fetish u have, wat would u do next? The reason im asking is because i have a bf and he nows about some of my fetish....the reason i say some of my fetish is because i told him that im into inflation and balloons but i didn't tell him all of it yet. The thing i didnt tell him yet is im ADDICTED to POPPING. i think he will take it well i mean wen i told him all this he said it was somthing he had never heard of before. but it would be fun to expirement with. wen he said that to me i felt awsome. so anyway i just thought i would try posting somthing for once. so please share some of your experiences if u have any.

Inflate123's picture

I told my gf. Now she's my wife. I think you'll find a similar discussion on this topic elsewhere on the site, though, with some encouraging stories.


I told my boyfriend and he found it interresting. First he didn't understand it, but when I told him more and more he began to understand what my interrests are. :) It took me a couple of months to tell everything, but it where great months (especially the first day). Now we are playing with inflation sometimes and he likes it too (in other way than me, but that's still a good thing) :D he even bought me a inflatable suit :D

So, take the time to tell everything. Don't worry about what he might think. The excitement of telling your secrets is fun! ;)
(By the way, our fetish is not dangerous, creepy or very dirty compared to some other fetishes. I know that there are people who want to eat poo :s )

Inflate123's picture
LittlePumpkin wrote:
(By the way, our fetish is not dangerous, creepy or very dirty compared to some other fetishes. I know that there are people who want to eat poo :s )

This is a good point. I think when people consider "deviant sexual acts" or "underground fetishes" they're thinking of things that are a bit more...challenging to the social acceptance norm, let's say? I don't want to throw judgment at people who are into the really unusual stuff, because we look unusual to everybody else -- but there are some dangerous fetishes out there, or fetishes people would call disgusting, or immoral, or what have you. Us? We're just weird -- and that's easier to "sell" to a loved one.


I was sort of indirect about telling my first girlfriend. I left a story i'd written lying about in a prominent place for her to find and she started to read it while i was out of the room. She was completely not into it and found it deeply disturbing. My wife i told by letter when she was in another country, a few weeks after we got together, we've done a limited amount of role-playing, and there is some overlap in what we like, but she finds it "creepy". There is more to a relationship, and i wonder about this sometimes.



I must be the luckiest guy ever, my wife completely understands my fetish, and she goes along with it, and participates, and she even likes it herself. Especially when she inflates me in my suit.

I just told her I liked rubber to start with, then I explained I had a catsuit, and that it inflated, then the rest of the whole complex story after that, and we've been together for 6 years, married for 2, and still very happy.

I think I told her about 5-6 months after we'd started going out (dating for you americans!)

Inflate123's picture

That's great Kat. My belief is that a direct but low-pressure approach leads to happiness and a high pressure relationship. :)

I know some folks have a lot of trouble articulating this to their loved ones really is worth the payoff. How important is it that you be happy and comfortable with being yourself around the person you love? You need to have a trust with that person for your entire life. If it really is part of who you are, you should share it and work from there.