Youtube (benny elton)

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Youtube (benny elton)


Inflation is near the end, but it's funny anyway!


Hehe to bad it is not really inflation, just a suit with pillows or something stuffed inside :p. To bad they didnt use a real inflatable suit to pump her up! I LOOOVE suits getting blowed up!

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


It's strange how time distorts memory... I was convinced she got inflated on screen... now I see it's a stuffed suit, not an inflated one. Ah well, the clip was funny enough!

Inflate123's picture

I take it Benny Elton is carrying the torch after Benny Hill? I'm not familiar with him as he's not had much US exposure.

Inflate123 wrote:
I take it Benny Elton is carrying the torch after Benny Hill? I'm not familiar with him as he's not had much US exposure.

No, Ben Elton is a comedian who appears to have taken part in this sketch either as a tribute to Benny Hill or just to parody himself.

However he's not too well liked these days because he is considered quite egotistical, a hypocrite (he was very anti-establishment, but appears to have thrown those principles out the window) and he is always releasing books and musicals every which way.

He co-written Blackadder though, so he's not ALL bad, I suppose...

darth_clone19's picture

Not just memory. At heart, thats what you, and all of us, hoped really happenned :)

 -   Read my stories: 


But the scene was kind of sexy, he tossed her a suit, and she put it unvillingly on, and didn't know why, until he started blowing her up, and then she got a bit surprised and angry :p had almost every thing in it I liked EXCEPT real inflation! Isn't it typical :p

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group

Inflate123's picture
Zepylin wrote:
He co-written Blackadder though, so he's not ALL bad, I suppose...

AH! That Ben Elton! I do know the name from there, and yeah, the Queen musical "We Will Rock You" played (briefly) here last year.


haha, it is quite funny. But yeah, Ben Elton is a very politicised (some might say self-righteous) comedian, so this is mocking him as a sort of anti-Benny Hill.

Elton did the Thin Blue Line as well, but yeah he did then sell out and become one of the Notting Hill type Literati Starbucks crowd.

The inflation scene is rather well done, even if we don't get to actually see the inflation... if only :)

carnatic wrote:
The inflation scene is rather well done, even if we don't get to actually see the inflation... if only :)

Get me a clean copy of the video -- not crunched by YouTube -- and you'll see the sort of inflation you want.


No, you can get it yourself. And I wouldn't bother if I was you. There is no inflation.

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


Ben Elton also co-wrote the several series of the piss-funny 80's UK show "The Young Ones".

"Continue the research..."

slayer wrote:
No, you can get it yourself. And I wouldn't bother if I was you. There is no inflation.

I think he was offering to morph it... or at least that's how I interpreted his comment


Is it just me, or does the guy kinda looks like Stephen Colbert?