How many sound effects?

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How many sound effects?

What's overdoing it on the "boings," "SSSS's", "creaks," "booms," and "pops?" It's because this guy and I are working on a comic, and I think sometimes it gets a little too much, but I still like about maybe one or two sounds per panel. That true for you as well?


One or two sounds okay, but don't make it look too crowdy. ( I think, it's not easy to have an opinion without seeing the comic)


It depends how large the text is and how much the colour clashes... personally I like to have a good five or six small ones, it's personal preference, whichever you prefer, it's not little things like that that people are looking for in a good inflation pic... what they're looking for is heart, soul and sex :P

Junk_Diver's picture

I'd say if you don't like it, change it so you do. You'll produce better work if you like what you see, and your style will find all the support it needs, I'm sure.

To be fair, I'm a terrible artist and I rarely ever draw, so, y'know. Grain of salt.


I'd say keep it as an accent. Small and near the inflating part but not sticking out totally.

Your neighborhood friendly inflation content lurker. ^_^

Junk_Diver wrote:
I'd say if you don't like it, change it so you do. You'll produce better work if you like what you see, and your style will find all the support it needs, I'm sure.

Well, yeah: I'd keep a version that I like saved on a disc for my enjoyment, but I mean the version that I would put on

bostoncowboy's picture

However many you need to legitimize what is happening in your story. Basically, so the reader has a good gauge of what's going on.


Depends on the situation and how much emphasis you want to put on the sound effects. A few times I've filled entire backgrounds with sound effects.


As long as they remain an assist to the images themselves (rather than distract or cover them), it's fine.

There's really no set way-it's all based on personal taste. Personally, I do sound words based on how loud the sound is, and it's importance. Tiny and slimmer for the quiet sounds, bold and BIG the louder they get-and I place them around where the sound would be coming from.