Very annie marry

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Very annie marry

Recently I made a topic about girls being inflated. and ughh carnatic(I think) was telling me about this "Very annie marry" I tried google but I couldnt find this inflation video. Please help :D

JSK00's picture

I think it's "Mary" with one R. You tried that?

Inflate123's picture

Very Annie Mary. I didn't find the video on YouTube either. But you should be able to rent it; it came out around 2001. Pretty sure that's the one.


It's the clip where she dresses as Pavarotti so puts on a drysuit and inflates it. Nice scene.


I was wondering if anyone has any online videos I really dont wanna go out and buy/rent it.


Hey typewriter,
It's on cable every now and then. I saw that it was coming on once and watched pretty much the whole thing. It's an interesting movie, and the inflation scene is pretty epic. There is the drysuit blow up part that (at least used to be) posted all over the place, but there was much more to it, including a very public blow up where she is passed around/flies over a crowd while inflated (ala Son of Flubber) but it's a girl which makes all the difference for me.


Maybe someone could rent it, capture it, and upload it if they have the capability, that would be awesome. I've only ever seen the short video of the suit blowing up, the other scene with her in the crowd sounds even better.