Lobster introduction.

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LobsterJ's picture
Lobster introduction.

Hi there. i have recently been lurking around this page. Have always been a "inflation" lover and i recently got the courage to join up. Mostly i use balloons etc to inflate but it could be fun to try real inflation. Glad to see so many nice faces and i hope we might get to know each other. Im male and if you want to reach me you can just send me a email. moneymaking@live.com (old email adress expired so i got a new one)

Bigger is better

JSK00's picture

Hello! Welcome to the forums.

Come, have something to eat and drink, and let's chat!


Welcome, comrade.

And I would have a diet pepsi and a couple shortbread cookies, JSK00. :lol:

Been awhile since the last time I logged on. The four parts story really got me busy. Gotta update "News from uhcm". *uhcm jumps and performs a superman until he crashed through the ceiling* OW!

MSN: unholycameraman@live.com
YIM: unholycameraman@yahoo.com
Myspace: myspace.com/jacquelynalice09
IMVU: JacquelynAlice09


Welcome Lobster. Like your avatar :D