Shall we reply?

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Shall we reply?

He/she seems a bit more level-headed than most of our critics, so maybe we should oblige him/her as to why inflation art and stories appeal to us, not to mention shoot down some of the assumptions he/she makes?


People have the right to their own opinion as long as no one is hurt.

but i believe showing this person the Full potential of Inflation may change their point of view on us


I sometimes agreed with the lass there. I seen a lot but a lot are parodies or preset inflation. I seen like Yuna, Cele, Sakura, Katina and so on. I think it would improve the work if the artists should make their own characters instead of characters already used by others.
IMVU: JacquelynAlice09

darth_clone19's picture

Her first two words make it really hard for me not to simply laugh at her.

 -   Read my stories: 


I think it'd be best not worry about it. It is, as the poet Shakespeare once described, "a tale... full of sound and fury, signifying nothing". I predict that it'll fall by the wayside on its own and not really make much of an impact.

doubleintegral's picture

Man, who cares? Honestly, I don't get why some in the BI community have to circle the wagons everytime some nobody on DA says something bad about us. No amount of our perspective is likely to help this chick understand, and you know what? She probably doesn't want to understand anyway. That post was 100% flamebait intended to bring us out of the woodwork, and it looks like it worked.

The appropriate response is to ignore her completely and go inflate some babes (but poorly-drawn babes, mind you).


I don't care. If we reply, he still won't understand, (or he does, but likes flaming too much :P ) like many others.


For the last fucking time: Fat =/= Inflation.


Caution: this user is a new guy in training.


Seriously, why even exert the effort? On both fronts, why pretty much tell us you have no life when you have time to write goofy shit like this and then waste time actually bitching back. It's a vicious circle of retardedness that makes me want to take a nap I think about it just out of mental exhaustion.

What I'm saying is pay no attention, basically.


To the OP:

If you want to respond, go nuts. Personally, I have a few things I'd like to rationally say.

1) It's unrealistic, sure. That's because it's fantasy. Right there, in the title, fantasy, not real. We all know that those pictures are not real, heck I actually like that they aren't real. Are you gonna complain about people who like Cutesy Japanese things as because that art style isn't real?

2)Yes, some inflation art is bad. Some inflation art is good. It does seem to me (from personal experiance) that people have generally lower standards for Inflation images, but frankly, I kninda find that a good thing. Whenever I draw inflation images, I get constructive critisism. Whenever I draw non-inflation images, I get 20 people flaming me and telling me that I suck.

3)Totally agree, people shouldn't inflate other peoples' characters without permission. It's disrespectful to the artist.

4)As for it being a 'creepy' fetish . . . I dunno. I don't think of myself as creepy. I don't stock girls or anything. In fact, my 'hobby' about inflation art, and real life never cross. I don't want to inflate real people, I just want to look at pretty pictures.

Archangel_Dreadnought's picture

I way, why bother. Things like these always get into arguments, and everything is the same or worse when you get done, if you even get done.

Blacklist wrote:
For the last fucking time: Fat =/= Inflation.

Lots of people seem to think that, makes me want to make something to show people the differences in them. Might start a discussion on that else where here.

So many inflation drawings lack flow/life, they are just a girl standing around with a hose stuck somewhere and large whatevers.


I'm not arguing, I'm just stating my opinion.

I personally think that "flaming" is as useless as saying "Fuck you," to a fancy good-for-nothing toenail clipper. *Picks up a toenail clipper* FUCK YOU! *toss it away* See, 3 seconds wasted.

Now, I have to continue writing the other 2 parts of the story. *Alice Fellowmen and Kim Lane drag uhcm away*
IMVU: JacquelynAlice09

Inflate123's picture

I went to read it and it's gone. This is what I get for being too busy.

But I tend to think that if people wanna say "I don't like it," there's really no NEED to change their mind. Responding to a blog that says "this isn't for me" isn't going to make it for them, you know? All it looks like is a bunch of too-sensitive fetishists who will look even more crazy to the normals who don't want to accept us anyway.

I generally don't see norms commenting on inflation art or inflation blogs. They don't care enough about it to try to change our minds in our space. I figure we should do the same. They're not restricting our weirdness, so let's not feel threatened by their normalcy.

Bacn's picture

Gaa. Didn't get a chance to see it. x.x

But anyway, if you spot someone who hates you for a fetish just ignore them. You can't fight xenophobia. You just have to wait for society to outgrow it(however futile that idea may be).


If I had a doller everytime some stupid loser on the internet preached about his or her xenophobia towards a certain community....

The file was removed when I tried to look at it. Maybe dA is getting sick of troll's posting their narrow minded thoughts on expansion fetish's.


so what was it then? if he/she wasn't flaming us then Inflate123 is right. The last thing a fairly tame post about how someone doesn't get inflation art needs is about 300 ultra-defensive fetishists to roll up and it escalate into a flame war.

If someone flames us then I would encourage some of us to respond, just so long as we don't get into all the flaming. As long there are some level-heading responses from people in the community that can be read within a flame-war then random people who stumble upon the flame war can see that the inflation fetishists in it aren't all the flamer says they are.

I think it's important we do respond to flames though, even if half the time, the flamer hides our posts. Because if a small number of people are allowed to spread lies about us and we remain silent, then eventually most people in the DA community will start believing those lies and ultimately the DA staff will just decide to do a blanket ban on all inflation stuff.

AlecDeluxe's picture

Good point, Big C, and I gotta say: I personally am not a turn-the-other-cheek kinda guy. It's not a matter of changing their minds per se: You just have to call out stupidity when you see it. I think it's possible to do it in a reasonale, rational manner without name calling. And then, if THAT doesn't work, take 'em out to the shack and make Fargo Jerky out of their sorry carcasses. (I noticed I get meaner during campaign seasons...)

I want to pop so much I could burst!

fwoomp's picture

You can't argue personal taste! "I like x" really can't be debated. It's completely pointless.

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