family guy BE

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mosherballoon's picture
family guy BE

The latest episode of family guy has an interesting BE scene :)

Bacn's picture

Damn. I didn't watch it. x.x

Is this it?

hellview_666's picture

wow :D was bound to happen someday...nothing quite like a boob joke for Family Guy


I really lit up with joy when that happened last night. :D

It's funny, cause I lean towards body expansion more myself, but a certain satisfaction came about with this BE from the buttons popping, her bra, and of course the, "..sssssssssss..!"

fwoomp's picture

Fantastic. Thank you, Jesus!

Ping complete


Hmm first they make her all fat and then blow her breast up? *prays for body inflation episode* :D

Inflate123's picture
JannLee wrote:
a certain satisfaction came about with this BE from the buttons popping, her bra, and of course the, "..sssssssssss..!"

Agreed -- never underestimate the power of the hissing!


that's excellent... MacFarlane had been skirting around the issue for a while.