This is all so new... ^^;

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This is all so new... ^^;

Wow, OK, this is a little freaky. I've been into this kind of stuff for years and never knew that anybody else was! I was too embarrassed to ask around or talk about it. I just found this place and it's amazing, I can't believe the community you guys have going on here! I can't wait to start looking around and see what's out there. :D

Also known as InflationFantasies on Deviantart. Stop by and leave a comment!


Welcome aboard! Yes it is relieving to find like minded others in obscure things isn't it? ;)

BlushingRose wrote:
Wow, OK, this is a little freaky. I've been into this kind of stuff for years and never knew that anybody else was! I was too embarrassed to ask around or talk about it. I just found this place and it's amazing, I can't believe the community you guys have going on here! I can't wait to start looking around and see what's out there. :D

Yes welcome to our little community. I think you will be pleasantly surprised with the content and the people. Don't feel embarrassed either. We are all in the same boat as it were.

I'm mean. 


Do you remember what originally turned you on to inflation?


Welcome aboard. And you aren't crazy.

They are.


Welcome... I remember the excitement I felt when I first discovered there were other people into it, and that some of them were damned good writers and artists. That was back in 1999 I think.

If you don't mind me asking, how did you find us... I used to do Google searches for things like 'inflating woman', and one day it returned a story called 'Jenny the Balloon Girl' by Captain Neil... I read that and loved it and soon I explored the rest of the site it was on... this site.

One place I definitely recommend you visit is a lot of us are over there, just do a search for inflation, or look in the links section of this site.

Anyway, welcome, nice to meet you.


Welcome, BlushingRose. I'm uhcm, erotic writer and a RPer. Nice to meet you. Feel free to chat with any of us on the listed messengers on the right hand side from the icon, "Back to top"; I'll be available as soon as my computer is on. Otherwise, I might be Away.
IMVU: JacquelynAlice09

hellview_666's picture

heya BlushingRose :) Welcome to - there's a lot of good people on here..enjoy


Heh, thanks so much for the welcome, you guys! ^_^
Hm, what originally turned me on to inflation... I don't really remember! I think it might actually have been the blueberry scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; I remember that I couldn't figure out why I found it so exciting when obviously none of my friends did.
I found this site from a link somebody posted in a comment... I found a short column where somebody was talking about inflation and how weird it was, which made me feel really bad, but then I scanned the comments and found a link here! It was like finding my long-lost brethren or something. :D

Also known as InflationFantasies on Deviantart. Stop by and leave a comment!

hellview_666's picture

Aww :) I think that was the case a fair few of us here.

EDIT: Sent you a PM. Would be nice to chat with you - always nice to know new people. :)


BlushingRose, I just PM'ed you.

Fairia's picture

I also PM'ed you a message.


You know what's funny? I was never embarrassed by it UNTIL I found out other people were into it. I never talked to anyone about it, but I guess not knowing anyone else was into it meant I didn't know anyone wasn't into it. Sure is nice to have sites like these though, not to mention the community. I think I first stumbled onto this site, Mark's Morphs, IC/B2E, and Stormr Zone. Good to have you.

Bbwhite wanted to be a balloon,

Filled up like one, and popped like one too.

Inflate123's picture

Glad you found us, Rose. That's why we're here. We're weird...but we do have each other. :)

darth_clone19's picture

That was pretty exciting when I found this site back in 97 or something. I went online almost everyday to check if there was new stuff. It was magical when there was :)

 -   Read my stories: 


Thanks again so much, you guys. It's awesome that there's so much support here! All my IRL friends who've seen anything along these lines think it's weird as hell... it's nice having somebody to talk to. ^_^

Also known as InflationFantasies on Deviantart. Stop by and leave a comment!


Well since you joined you will have tons of people to talk to now.

airtankgirl5 wrote:
Actually, I chat with Sharkdude as often as I can. He's a cyber stud

so... if you don't mind me asking, What specifically are your preferences vis-a-vis with reference to concerning *cough* inflation?

You see we're a diverse community and inflation can mean different things to different people. Some prefer inflation of the belly only, some the breasts, some the ass or the full body or a combination thereof. There are people who like inflation with helium, some withair, some with water some with blueberry juice (very specific that one but very common lol). Some like it to look cartoony and balloony, some like it to look realistic and gritty. Some like the inflatee to pop, some are revulsed by it and so on...

If you can tell us this, then we can help you find what's out there to suit you.

Auriga's picture


Some question: what do you fell about deflation? Like balloon/beachball et.c. I mean deflation from normal or slightly puffed state to a helpless heap of plastic on the floor.
Well, there is a small heretic sect of us here.
I've even got some RL girls into it, though I suppose english is a problem for them.

I'd like to RP or (and much better) do some collaborate writing on that topic.