Slimy Thief (expansion webcomic series) updates

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Slimy Thief (expansion webcomic series) updates

I just uploaded a huge update to my webcomic check it out it's FREE!
Comments regarding the webcomic I encourage you to do on the website. I'm hyping this in many forums It's hard to catch with the scattered comments.


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Sexy fantasy adventure comic of my hydro-expandable heroine Aisha

Opening Ceremony

3 pages preview



So does anything actually happen in these comics, or do we have to pay to see the good stuff?

Lateralus87 wrote:
So does anything actually happen in these comics, or do we have to pay to see the good stuff?

wow... heaven forbid there be plots, likable characters, and character development for a change...

Instead it's just "GIMME GIMME GIMME! Oh costs money? never mind"

I like the artwork and I'm curious! I would like to see more and to see where the story is going, not just for the expansion either!

TanyaGoBoom wrote:
Lateralus87 wrote:
So does anything actually happen in these comics, or do we have to pay to see the good stuff?

wow... heaven forbid there be plots, likable characters, and character development for a change...

Instead it's just "GIMME GIMME GIMME! Oh costs money? never mind"

I like the artwork and I'm curious! I would like to see more and to see where the story is going, not just for the expansion either!

Yes... because when something is called an "expansion webcomic", the first things that come to mind is a deep, involving plot and plenty of character development.

For Fucks Sake -_-;

Lateralus87 wrote:
Yes... because when something is called an "expansion webcomic", the first things that come to mind is a deep, involving plot and plenty of character development.

For Fucks Sake -_-;

Maybe that's not such a good thing. If this guy's introducing plot and character development into expansion material I'll pay for it on general principle.

...I meant that sarcastically.

caffiene wrote:
Lateralus87 wrote:
Yes... because when something is called an "expansion webcomic", the first things that come to mind is a deep, involving plot and plenty of character development.

For Fucks Sake -_-;

Maybe that's not such a good thing. If this guy's introducing plot and character development into expansion material I'll pay for it on general principle.

Hmm yes, guess I should have re-worded what I said. I really didn't mean any offense towards the artiest, its just that maybe he should have shown a little bit of the "good stuff" to get potential buyers interested, know what I'm saying?

And my response that you quoted was actually my response to the douchette who apparently thinks I'm some freeloader who doesn't believe in paying for "fap material".

If I didn't like paying for stuff, than I don't think I would have bought any of the Taylor Productions videos.