This can't be true...

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This can't be true...

...can it?

Bbwhite wanted to be a balloon,

Filled up like one, and popped like one too.


It is true. And I think it's outside of the boundaries of this forum to discuss such things.

However, personally I don't think it's much worse than the ridiculous diets and exercise regimes we expect women in western society to undergo in order to live up to our expectations of beauty. At the risk of becoming unpopular: gym memberships are expensive; those "fattening huts", or whatever name they have for them seem to be free. And that's aside from the booming plastic surgery industry.

The sad truth is: Desire will always outpace reality. The lengths people are willing to go to combat that depend entirely on personal circumstances.

That being said, I think a forum dedicated to an entirely, and self-admittedly unrealistic fetish is not the place to discuss these matters.

...I meant that sarcastically.

flationable's picture

Life is like a fragile scale made out of gold, and each side is used as a urinoir.

The word "Too" is most likely to be used in any description of life anywhere.

darth_clone19's picture

Its as inhumane and insane as what they make supermodels and actresses go through. So whoever censors these people yet calls Lindsay lohan "fat" are hypocrites.

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