Which one of you is this?

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oh2bpreg's picture
Which one of you is this?

I've heard of wearing your heart on your sleeve, but this is a step beyond.



Now that's commitment. I should post a pic of my Flabby Tabby. I'm covered in tats.

Inflate123's picture

I still have plans to get an inflation-related tattoo, but my plans are much less...big. :) That's quite a statement and I applaud anyone that brave -- you go, Kreizen.


I've just gotta say, that tattoo is hella fail.


That would be me.

This was definitely not a spur of the moment decision, and it's been given thought over the course of several months. I asked myself countless questions, such as "What will people think?" and "Will I regret this later?"

Ultimately, I answered all of the questions with one answer: Who cares?

It's my body, my canvas so to speak. I'm not ashamed of what I like and enjoy. So far, the reaction to the tattoo has been amusement, and largely positive. If someone comes along who doesn't like it, either because of it's content matter or it's style...I couldn't care less. They're entitled to their own opinion, but the only one that matters is mine.


Good for you! I've got a bunch of tats myself, I've been getting them off and on since 1983 and I feel the same way, they are for me and if people don't "get" them, that's just the way it goes. I love 'em all and that's all that matters.

oh2bpreg's picture

WTG! I think it's awesome that you have that attitude. So many of us (myself included) keep our fetish hidden. Major kudos for you for putting it out there for all to see.

sparkofflaim wrote:
That would be me.

This was definitely not a spur of the moment decision, and it's been given thought over the course of several months. I asked myself countless questions, such as "What will people think?" and "Will I regret this later?"

Ultimately, I answered all of the questions with one answer: Who cares?

It's my body, my canvas so to speak. I'm not ashamed of what I like and enjoy. So far, the reaction to the tattoo has been amusement, and largely positive. If someone comes along who doesn't like it, either because of it's content matter or it's style...I couldn't care less. They're entitled to their own opinion, but the only one that matters is mine.

WakkaFan's picture

Yeah, that's a pretty good attitude to have so major props for going out and getting it done for yourself.

http://wakkafan.deviantart.com/ Check out my deviant art. The dreaming god has awakened; you hardly remember dying. Before you ask I actually do end some of my sentences with "ya?".

sparkofflaim wrote:
Ultimately, I answered all of the questions with one answer: Who cares?

I like that answer. ^_^

Many kudos for you.


I don't know about you all but if I was applying for a job, or hanging around my friends, they would care. If they saw that tattoo they would just be like, "get out". Mainly because it would be blatantly showing what fetish I have, and most people wouldn't really care to see that. But maybe that's just my line of work/social circle.
It's all part of living in a society, that's like if I went out a got a tattoo of an orgy of people having sex. And then when someone's kid sees it I said well if you don't like it that's your problem.
I guess I could do that but why would I?


Well...most people who have tattoos on thier arms just wear long sleeves to work. Its really not the end of the world.

I gotta ask- you don't have a copy of the sketch, do ya Kreizan? I love me some Haruka.