To be inflated...

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To be inflated...

I'm looking to write some stories and maybe try drawing some pictures and would like to base them on real people. celebrities to be exact. What celebrities would the community like to read about and see being inflated and how shall it be done? If i draw pictures of them obviously they with be cartoony an not a morph of an actual picture.


Daisy Fuentes or Pam Anderson ^^;;; Those are my top two faves

airtankgirl5 wrote:
Actually, I chat with Sharkdude as often as I can. He's a cyber stud

Very nice picks. I may just do a celebrity inflation party lol. There are stories like that already but ill be sure to make mine different in many aspects. :)


Seth Rogen :D


I live in Los Angeles, so I'd like to see a local celebrity inflated, our local weather hottie, Jackie Johnson


Well they are nice as well. In what ways shall these ladies inflate?


I know it doesn't really count as inflation but I have always been a fan of weight gain :P Other than that water, like sumo wrestling where they are pumped full of water and each round they get pumped bigger?

airtankgirl5 wrote:
Actually, I chat with Sharkdude as often as I can. He's a cyber stud
sharkdude wrote:
I know it doesn't really count as inflation but I have always been a fan of weight gain :P Other than that water, like sumo wrestling where they are pumped full of water and each round they get pumped bigger?

I had a dream a bit like that, though I dreamt of a japanese game show where the contestants wore inflatable suits with a pull cord on the back, the object was that you had to try to pull the opponents cord (which inflated them), the first to be inflated lost the round. They were deflated, then started again, it was best of 3. Actually sounds like a good game show concept... must write to the BBC. Can't be worse than 'hole in the wall'.

boomer's picture

Halle Berry :D

RubberKat wrote:
I had a dream a bit like that, though I dreamt of a japanese game show where the contestants wore inflatable suits with a pull cord on the back, the object was that you had to try to pull the opponents cord (which inflated them), the first to be inflated lost the round. They were deflated, then started again, it was best of 3. Actually sounds like a good game show concept... must write to the BBC. Can't be worse than 'hole in the wall'.

You idea its very fun.... used inflatables suits in animal form...

inflatables costumes, suits and clothings


lets have some guys inflated too. not enough male inflation!!!