Would you ever want this fetish to go "mainstream"?

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Would you ever want this fetish to go "mainstream"?

I think that part of fetishism is the forbidden; secrets and the power they have. With this in mind, I realised that although I adore inflation, I would never want it to become popular and mainstream as it would lose some of it's potency. As access and exposure to previously obscure fetishes is getting easier, what does everyone else think?


I would love for this fetish to go mainstream. L-O-V-E it. I have dreams about it sometimes. Think about it: having inflation fetish dating sites; inflation fetish clubs [like bondage clubs, except everybody's in an inflatable suit instead of ball-gags]; finally getting good inflation jokes on tv shows. And most of all the high-end, quality inflatable porn that would be made catering specifically to us.

And then if someone found out it wouldn't be so obscure and freaky. You'd have people that dabbled in it occasionally and kind of discuss it with friends. You'd find tire-pumps in people's rooms the same way you occasionally find handcuffs.

I am 100% on board with this fetish going mainstream.

...I meant that sarcastically.


I'd be fine with this going mainstream. It could produce some new and interesting content/scene in the mainstream, for better or for worse (in attention/pretrayal and quality). It may result in more trolls, but most should get over it. Hopefully after going mainstream people won't be too freaked out inflation content and having an inflation-esque fetish. Then again, it could all blow up and be a disaster.

Who knows, maybe we could bring back a large wikipedia page that get doesn't get deleted, but that's another thread... I think.


I'd strongly prefer this thing to stay "indie" forever.

airtankgirl5's picture

I'm backing everything Caffiene said.


Give it time. Homosexuality used to be something you kept under wraps and look at it now.


Lateralus87 - just curious: why would you want it to stay like that?

Just to clear up one point; I would never want inflation fetish to be some 'exclusive club' as sexual fetishes are for anyone and everyone (of age)! In fact, they seem to be ingrained to the point where your kinks are just a part of you.

I'm unsure about this one still - inflation being more accessible in fetish clubs sounds good to me, but I wouldn't want it to be everywhere. Maybe I'm selfish and old fashioned, but I prefer things not to get demystified because they then can become mundane - look at vampires; once a mysterious and awesome legend, now a glittery chap with a big forehead :P Ok, so I'm being silly, but I hope you see my point.

I agree that things creep in over time - BDSM in Sex and the City is a good example.


Although I do want to see more inflation stuff, no thanks.
I'm glad "normal" things don't turn me on so I don't have to feel uncomfortable all the time. I want to keep it that way.
And I want to keep it for myself.


Well, just to clear things up; I'm thinking of "mainstream" as "mainstream for a fetish" as in: Bondage, foot fetish, or even furries.

Stuff that everyone is aware of but it's not like it's permeated our culture. I don't think we're ever going to live in a world where inflation is a major part of society and we're seeing it everywhere we go; but having a larger community with more acceptance doesn't seem like a bad thing to me.

...I meant that sarcastically.


100% with you Caffiene! If only for the higher quality inflatable porn!

Fairia's picture

I would want to see it go halfway. There would be more "coverage" on programs and there would definitely be more humor on comedy shows. But the con would be back lashes from religious, parental and other special interest groups if the dangers of self-inflation get out of hand.

Cailean wrote:
Lateralus87 - just curious: why would you want it to stay like that?

The reason I want it to stay the way it is is because a fetish is a very personal thing to have, for most people anyway.

I know there are some weirdos out there that proudly wear their fetish's on their sleeve, but I was never like that. Of course I was never "normal" growing up, but I wouldn't be too comfortable if I always saw something that I found attractive on tv and everywhere else all the time.

Especially if my family and friends knew I was into this sort of thing, god that would make things so damn weird and awkward even if it was more accepted everywhere.

I am a very private person with my personal life, so I always liked the phrase "what you do behind closed doors and windows is your own business".

Basically I'm just saying what LittlePumpkin said.

Inflate123's picture

I don't care about mainstream acceptance anymore. If it happens, great. If it doesn't, great. The media has come sniffing around and interviewed some of us; sometimes they don't bother to do that and comment anyway.

I think it's so implausible (and is in many minds the same as weight gain because of the body shapes...and as we know, society says fat is bad) that it will likely never break into the mainstream, but if it does, it will be through a joke -- a funny scene in a funny movie, the awkward loser with the inflation fetish who gets the laughs. And then people will go online and find out it's real -- or worse, "some crazy people who saw that hit movie have built a community around that scene." So, you know, what do we get out of that?

I know I've told this story before, but when The Daily Show (Kilborn era) came knocking, I said I would be happy to talk to them and was a big fan of the show. That made them lose interest immediately -- we were aware of who they were and therefore no longer exploitable. There's mainstream for you.

So whatever happens, happens. If by some miracle that mass-media flashpoint moment leads to new artists, stories, and products being made available, I really like that potential upside. I still like it when legit outlets like Katherine Gates come asking about us, because that's more likely to be a respectful inquiry into the culture and what makes us tick. But more "OMG look at the weirdos" stuff, like G4? I don't really need that.

I'll keep on enjoying myself either way.


I agree with Caffiene that wider popularity within the 'fetish community' and therefore more people sharing experiences, creating art/stories and even producing videos would be great. That said, I am conflicted because the feeling that my kinks are somehow personal, private and forbidden that heightens my enjoyment of them.

This is my first thread, so thanks for everyone sharing their views and opinions!

Auriga's picture

That would be nice.

Next question: what can you do to help this happen?

darth_clone19's picture

I wouldnt. Itd be too weird.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


I don't know about mainstream but definately better known than it is right now. I'm honestly tired of feeling completely alone in "the real world" when it comes to this fetish.

In response to how we can get this done, I think I have some ideas. If we, as a community, posted topics/links to fetish related web sites on completely seperate sites like Gaia online and other online communities for bored people we could slowly but surely increase exposure. People who didn't even know they like a girl with grotesquely huge assets would find a new "home" in our community. By harnessing the power of other larger communities non porn related then, although it might be rough at first, we can show that we are a "good" community. then we will gain the recongnition we want.

I'm a revolutionary of sorts.