Spanish Chocolate Weight Gain Video

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Spanish Chocolate Weight Gain Video

I remember a little while ago...about a year back, I think...someone found a video of two women at a restaurant, speaking in spanish (a language I do not know, so it could have been something similar.)

The gist was that one woman was talking about how she loved eating some new chocolate, and the other woman imagined her slowly gaining weight the more she talked about it.

At the end, the fattened woman explained it was sugar-free, or some such, and reverted to her original size.

I looked through the forums but couldn't find a link...does anybody remember this one?


Is this it?


I remind of seeing this dubbed in Italian...Thank you, I've been searching for this forever.


Wow, ask and ye shall receive.


airtankgirl5's picture

Well that's not bad. I'll be looking for the sister product that has that effect :)