What was it again?

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What was it again?

It was discussed before at this section but I cannot remember clearly...It was about some article that talks about an actress who may play a force-fed victim in an upcoming movie (probably horror/comedy or something). I think she would be force-fed with a simple meal and have her belly explode eventually. Anyway, this possible project could be out sometime this year since it was probably announced last year. Ring any bells? I do recall seeing her face in excitement from the article that was linked in a thread...


It was Vanessa Feltz being fed with porridge until she exploded. Keith Chegwin was involved for some reason. It may have been called Kill Keith.





Kill Keith Website

The link to The Sun article about Vanessa Feltz is at the bottom of the page.

No activity on the Twitter feed in almost 2 months. This may well be something that never sees the light of day.


Was it mentioned that it was in production? I found this web page but don't hold your breath. It downloaded some sort of program apparently for Windows only (My mac does not read it). Anyway, if you or anyone would want to check it out here it is (apologies in advance for false hope).



There's a preview of "Kill Keith" on youtube...


Does anyone have scene? I can't wait to see it.


This is the lady who they will be force feeding until she explodes -


Seems she is a bit of a porker who brits love to hate, and will be a type of ironic punishment.

inflatingclothes's picture

Hole in the wall!

Contact me via Twitter https://twitter.com/wanna585?t=Ge9klnQkvF2HxSR8dF1efA&s=09


Any luck yet? I tried using a ''watch link'' directly at the "watchthisfree.com/..." page but only sends me a download file made only for windows. I think it's suppose to start the whole movie download once the user runs it, but starting to think it's not worth the trouble. :P


Just posting to let people know this movie, "Kill Keith", will be released November 11, 2011 in the UK.


I believe this movie comes out in about twelve to eleven days or so.