How would you inflate me?

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How would you inflate me?

Just as the title says, how would you inflate me?

Here's a pic of me to help get your creativeness going~


-Make you eat cream puffs until you can't move

-Stuffing you

-Inflating you like a balloon with water or air

-Give you some blueberry gum (willingly or tricking you)

There's plenty of ways I'd do it but i'd do it until you'd be too full to move a single inch, needing to be rolled around like a ball ;)

There is absolutely no such thing as too big ;)


Pskunkman001's picture

Give you some fizzy helium soda.


Hmm... Maybe we both get stuck in a room and a gas gets released through an air vent. The gas has some "special properties" in it and we begin to inflate. The gas fills our bellies up and spreads out to the rest of our bodies slowly. The question is: can we find a way out before we pop?



Hmm... Maybe we both get stuck in a room and a gas gets released through an air vent. The gas has some "special properties" in it and we begin to inflate. The gas fills our bellies up and spreads out to the rest of our bodies slowly. The question is: can we find a way out before we pop?


MixMaster (not verified)

Hmm... Well, regardless of how I would inflate you, I can definitely say that you would be in such a size and shape, completely helpless  and unaware of either if or when you would stop growing. I can't decide wether it would be better if you were wearing something that was more restrictive so you could build up some pressure before exploding out of your clothes or something like a latex catsuit that would stretch and conform to your curves.

Either way, it could be fun.