For those into male inflation

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For those into male inflation

Since we don't have alot of male inflation stuff on here:

Imagine you had the change to inflate a guy. Would he like it? or would it be against his will? With water, air or anything else? Does he explode in the end. Tell me what you would do to me if you could inflate me too


Odd, I t hought I posted quite a bit of male inflation.  Since I self-identify with the victims, I guess if I had to inflate a male, it would be forced.


Definitely forced. He might secretly enjoy it on some level, but outwardly he'd be terrified, moaning and groaning as he enlarges and bursts out of his clothes. Water, air, fat, berry, nearly any kind of expansion is fine by me. Wouldn't want him to pop though, eventually he'd deflate back to normal, dazed, naked, and maybe with a previously dormant fetish awakened, but otherwise unharmed.

Auriga's picture

Against will. Better if it is air or other gas. In the end he deflates completely (like pooltoy or like balloon)

Blueberry boy 17

If hold him against his will tie Jim up and feed him a piece of blueberry gum. He'd chew it and not notice his skin turning colors. He would love the juicy ness of the gum and keep chewing. Next he would start feeling funny and beggin to inflate. He would be scared and start to whimper and question whats wrong. When the rope breaks he would notice his hands and start feeling his body which would be tight. Next his cheeks would swell and his hands would be forced into his body. He's start flapping his hands in panicky as his body rounded out and his torso touched the floor and swallow his legs. He'd grow to be bigger than the new violet and his head would be forced up as his torso and back swallow his neck causing him to only look straight and see his body swelling. The inflation wild stop and he's be left as a human blueberry. I'd feel him and roll him under his own helpless will and he'd panick and cry as he knew his old life was over and he'd start his new one as a blueberry.


He would like it. It would be via a tube going over the penis that secures at the base and fills his body up including the penis.


I personally like to inflate women and I'm not into inflating men, but there's another side to me that gets really into being inflated myself. There is something about somebody blowing me up against my will that makes it even better. I especially like it if the other person is somewhat of a tease. Teasing me about getting bigger and making it known I can't stop it. 

Captain Inflatable
Captain Inflatable's picture




I'm a guy myself, and I'm into male inflation as well as female(as well as self inflation =w= )


It'd definally have to be with water for me, against his will. I love the idea of blowing up a guy like a human water balloon, hearing his muffled cries of protest and the gulping of the water as it makes  his way down his throat as he expands. Not a fan of popping myself, so I'd have to avoid that.

oh2bpreg's picture

My choices would be to inflate him without him knowing what was happening, have him end up enjoying it in an ashamed way and defintely no popping.  I am one of those weird ones that likes the idea of just inflating certain parts, including breast and hourglass inflation (yes, on a guy.  I already said I was weird.)

Phatpuukodot's picture

Being male it would have to be self inflation and prefered by a woman, or atleast a woman watching and being turned on. Fattened or inflated by air/helium, or a combonation of the too. I'd like the idea of eating something that cause a rapid weight gain then a chain recation causing a gas to react and blows me up bigger, and bigger. With clothes ripping off left and right I'd be the woman's plaything until of course I reach my critial mass and explode! I'm fucking weird like that.