Feeling as "Inflating like a Balloon" while Astral Projecting

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Feeling as "Inflating like a Balloon" while Astral Projecting

Have you ever seen in documentaries, people talking about "out of body experiences" while undergoing surgery? That being, getting out of their physical bodies and going around like ghosts, and later being able to tell the surgeons and nurses what they were doing and talking about while they were supposedly unconscious.

Apparently, there is a technique called Astral Projection for doing that on purpose. And while using it, right before leaving your body, you may feel different kind of reactions, like vibrations, change in temperature, buzzing sounds, change of size, and.... even inflating like a balloon!

Not everyone experiences it the same way though, but I recently saw this video, and while I didn't intend to talk about the topic at first(as many people will likely not believe this kind of thing), can't resist sharing it. I think you guys will find at least interesting the description of the inflation.

An Astral Projection expert talks about his first experience doing this, during his teenage years, and he describes how he felt like inflating as "that girl from the Chocolate Factory film that was popular at the time":.......... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfTkwdySEu0


It's legit, proven over decades of research. I've gotten *sooo close* to actually leaving, but never got there. Apparently, when you're on the "astral plane" you can do whatever you want :/ I'm actually really jealous of those that can do it.

oh2bpreg's picture

Legit?  Decades of research?  LOL!

Robert Todd Carroll writes that the main evidence to support claims of astral travel is anecdotal and comes "in the form of testimonials of those who claim to have experienced being out of their bodies when they may have been out of their minds."[62]

According to Bob Bruce of the Queensland Skeptics Association, astral projection is "just imagining", or "a dream state". Although there is rigorous mathematical support for parallel universes,[63] Bruce writes that the existence of an astral plane is contrary to the limits of science. “We know how many possibilities there are for dimensions and we know what the dimensions do. None of it correlates with things like astral projection.” Bruce attributes astral experiences such as "meetings" alleged by practitioners to confirmation bias and coincidences.[64]

Arthur W. Wiggins, writing in Quantum Leaps in the Wrong Direction: Where Real Science Ends...and Pseudoscience Begins, said that purported evidence of the ability to astral travel great distances and give descriptions of places visited is predominantly anecdotal. In 1978, Ingo Swann provided a test of his alleged ability to astral travel to Jupiter and observe details of the planet. Actual findings and information were later compared to Swann's claimed observations. According to an evaluation by James Randi, Swann's accuracy was "unconvincing and unimpressive" with an overall score of 37 percent. Wiggins considers astral travel an illusion, and looks to neuroanatomy, human belief, imagination and prior knowledge to provide prosaic explanations for those claiming to experience it.[65]

Bapho's picture

This is probably closer to lucid dreaming, which is actually a phenomenon that can be induced with enough focus. I know of a few inflation fetishists who have used lucid dreaming to generate a realistic-feeling fantasy in which they swell like balloons.


I just got back here and I have to say, O2BP, your response, while well backed-up, was damned rude. You practically spat in the face of my experiences and beliefs. But honestly, I could bring up a million essays to prove my point, you could bring up millions of essays to prove yours and nobody will have solved anything, not to mention this is really old. I just wanted to say that I don't appreciate how you replied to me. Bapho, you're cool.

Bubbleman132's picture

Now I wish to do this. Dream powers activate!