Chatzy problems

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Chatzy problems

Soooo I know this isn't really the official website of the rooom or something, but ... anyone know why the Body Inflation Chatzy room is down?

WakkaFan's picture

I'm in there right now, but nobody else has entered.  Though it took about an hour before I was able to get inside the room.  So maybe there are still issues. Check out my deviant art. The dreaming god has awakened; you hardly remember dying. Before you ask I actually do end some of my sentences with "ya?".

Fairia's picture

I checked it out, but how to even type your message in the room?


I was banned from the chat room, can I know why? Who is the administrator?


I was banned from the chat room, can I know why? Who is the administrator?

mearsob (not verified)

I have the same problem as pit1234. When I try to enter the chat room this happens:

"Access Restricted. The administrator of this room only accepts users who have been invited or added to the visitor list manually. You are not on that list. You can ony enter the room with the administrator password."

Is this normal?