Body Inflation Fetish Issues

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Body Inflation Fetish Issues

I am so ashamed of this fetish for myself. I struggle with my weight and hate my bulging belly but at the same time this fetish makes me feel like I love extreme obesity, which I don't, at least, not on myself. I haven't really told many people and I haven't told my boyfriend, which, I'm probably going to take my secret to the grave. I feel so horrendiously disgusting after I look at this and I don't know what to do. I've tried avoiding it but it keeps coming back. I'm not bashing this fetish I swear, I just really want some advice on how to deal with it. Please help me. :(

doubleintegral's picture

When you say "this fetish", exactly which fetish are you referring to?  If it's body inflation (which is to say expansion of the body by something other than fat) then I think it's pretty safe to draw a line between the reality you dislike and the fantasy you like.  After all, body inflation is not and never will be real, so what harm is there in enjoying the idea of something that bears absolutely no analog with the way you are (even if you are overweight you are not "inflated").  You could also try separating the concepts of weight and size; for instance, in your fetish universe a large belly doesn't necessarily have to mean heaviness.

However, I'm also considering the possibility that "this fetish" could mean weight gain, since some people use the terms "body inflation" and "weight gain" interchangeably (which I find incredibly annoying).  Since massive weight gain is actually possible (although certainly not to the extent that some people take it) then that changes things a bit.

pjoker's picture

I think you'll get better help if you're a bit more specific about what you're into. There are a lot of different facets of inflation fetish. Sounds like you're talking about weight gain?

There's a moral difference between reality and fantasy. Think of all the violence we consider entertaining in movies which would be absolutely traumatizing in real life. A different set of rules apply when we're dealing with imagination, and also when we're talking about safe and consetual practices.


 No, I'm not meaning weight gain. I have a fetish for body inflation but I'm really ashamed of it, and I'm not quite sure what to do.


Why be ashamed?  It's a fantasy, it isn't real.   Look,  if it makes you happy,  causes no one harm (including yourself) and makes you "feel good",  then why worry?  Enjoy the ride and have fun!  I had the same feelings about it that you probably do now. Can't tell you how much anguish it caused for me or how much Fetish "stuff" I simply threw away.  I finally got the courage up and told my wife about it.  Kept it secret for a long time. While she wasn't into it,  she told me what I told you just now.  Since then it's been smooth sailing.  

airtankgirl5's picture

I think you'll get better help if you see a therapist.

mosherballoon's picture

I have also felt a bit ashamed at times, wishing I was into more 'normal' stuff, but I guess I just accepted it as a part of me. Whilst I do enjoy the though of myself blowing up like a balloon, I am aware of my eating and try to stay healthy and in shape. So you can have the fetish but want to be in shape too. Also talking to your partner or a close reliable friend about it might help. Just remember that you are not the only person in the world with a quirky fetish, try and enjoy it :)


Thank you, everyone. Your replies have been really helpful :)


Remember we all have secrets. Lots of the people you know will have secrets, especially sexual kinks which they would be mortified to let out. Sure yours isn't the most mainstream of kinks but it is also harmless.

Maybe one day you'll feel comfortable enough with your bf or find the right person to share your thoughts with, but you should feel under no pressure to definitely share everything, this is a harmless little quirk to your sexual being and it is perfectly healthy to have these little secrets. I certainly feel that way, I wouldn't tell friends about my bowel movements and I don't tell them about my fetish either, some things are perfectly happy to stay as secrets.

That's why we're here. It's nice to know you're not alone, have an outlet for your thinking and share ideas, especially as you get more comfortable with it, and until the time you do feel ready to share (if you want) with real people in your life, you can always come here.


Remember we all have secrets. Lots of the people you know will have secrets, especially sexual kinks which they would be mortified to let out. Sure yours isn't the most mainstream of kinks but it is also harmless.

Maybe one day you'll feel comfortable enough with your bf or find the right person to share your thoughts with, but you should feel under no pressure to definitely share everything, this is a harmless little quirk to your sexual being and it is perfectly healthy to have these little secrets. I certainly feel that way, I wouldn't tell friends about my bowel movements and I don't tell them about my fetish either, some things are perfectly happy to stay as secrets.

That's why we're here. It's nice to know you're not alone, have an outlet for your thinking and share ideas, especially as you get more comfortable with it, and until the time you do feel ready to share (if you want) with real people in your life, you can always come here.


The only way to go with it really is just to accept it, if you're anything like I was. So far as I knew, nothing I did could change it. I used to be disgusted with myself every time I had thoughts or got aroused by it, but I came to embrace it and saw it as a way to stop myself from treating people with disrespect. It meant that, since I actually couldn't feel sexually for people, every time I had sex it was purely making love and an expression of closeness and intimacy. Not everyone has that. It was a blessing, and now it's gone I wonder what's going to happen now. Please be OK with it. It's an enormous source of pleasure for you and makes you really special.


bostoncowboy's picture

I can understand your feeling. I'm finally with the person I wanna be with and albeit her being a super open person I just can't come out with " So I have fantasies of you blowing me up like a balloon/vice versa, make your butt/boobs bigger" or other fetish things like that. It helps to write it down or talk about it with people like minded, but doesn't take away that "embarrassed feeling".