Popping Violet

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Now that ten years had passed, Charlie Bucket thought it was high time for a reunion.

He was surprised she had shown up at all. And when she did, she appeared so desperate. She wanted his and Veruca's approval more than anything. She wanted it so bad she took the pill.

It was a fizzy-lifting concentrated pill. At least it was for him and Veruca.

The bubbles filtered up into his head and his feet left the ground. Veruca's hair lifted up off her shoulders and she rose into the air. The two of them embraced ten meters above Violet Beauregarde's head. The high ceiling over them opened into the massive Wonka Stadium, which stretched a quarter mile above the ground and over half a mile across.

Violet chomped down on her tablet. She wanted to be up there with beautiful, golden Charlie. She'd knock Veruca out of the picture...

She saw their eyes widen as they looked down at her.

"You look beautiful, Violet," Charlie said.

Her stomach felt strange, as if gallons of liquid were pouring into her.

"Charlie, what have you done?"

Charlie grabbed a large weight attached to the wall, tied it around his waist and drifted down to Violet.

Violet felt a fizziness building inside. Her red plastic belt felt tight.

"Charlie, you promised me, nothing bad would happen," Violet pleaded. She nervously held her hands up to her face and gasped as she watched them turn blue.

"It won't be so bad, Violet. I think you'll enjoy it!" he responded joyfully.

The weight had pulled him down to Violet's level. He reached out, pushed her hands away, and stroked her expanding belly.

"Oh, god, Charlie, stop, please..." Violet could feel pressure building up inside her. She was blowing up!

When Charlie again casually drew his hand over her belly the pressure increased. His touch against her straining skin felt so good! But he had to stop. She wouldn't be able to take much more... Then he began kneading her; the pressure spiked. Her stomach expanded several feet in seconds.

The red belt popped off.

Veruca was excited. She started to glow and bumped up against the quarter mile high ceiling.

"God, Violet, you're going to be so huge..." she trailed off in the midst of an ecstasy-filled rapture.

Violet's bra snapped off and blueberry fizz spurted out from the engorged indigo nipples of her ballooning blue boobs. Charlie stopped rubbing her tummy and grabbed onto her left breast.

"Fill me, Violet," he said, greedily grabbing and milking her. The deep blue-black fizz streaming into his mouth gave him an eerie blue glow.

Violet felt waves of pleasure rippling through her body as Charlie pulled on her teat. She was so confused. She felt horrible, humiliated. But the sensations coursing through her were so potent. She never wanted it to end...

She felt her panties split as her buttocks swelled to immense proportions. A tiny strip of elastic from her underwear was all that girdled her now. The pressure within her tummy slowed. Maybe it was over, Violet hoped.

Charlie stopped sucking and smiled. His lips were purple. "Do you want me to stop, Violet?" he asked.

"No... Don't stop touching me, Charlie..." Then his expression changed into a mischievous grin. He grabbed her right nipple with his left hand and locked his lips around it. While letting his legs float up into the air, he pulled back his right arm and slapped her distended belly.

Violet heard a rumbling inside. The gassy liquid surged. The thread of elastic around her gurgling gut snapped off. She watched in horror as her middle suddenly grew so big it pushed Charlie away. He was flung to the side. Violet could no longer see her feet.

"Stop it! Stop it, Charlie! I don't want to be blueberry again!" she cried, blue tears dripping from her deep navy eyes.

"Well. Spit it out then, Violet!" he replied.

"I can't! I swallowed it!" she screamed, feeling her feet leave the floor as her sides and crotch filled up with gallons of juice. Violet sensed giant jets of liquid spraying at full strength within her spreading form.

Charlie flew over and gently tipped the swelling blueberry onto her back. Her hands and feet, which she kept flapping around hysterically, were now all that remained outside the rapidly expanding spherical mass that was her body.

Charlie and Veruca watched in amazement as her head and all her extremities were pulled inward as her middle continued to bulge. Her now fully round shape displayed dimples where her arms, head and legs once were. And she kept growing. Charlie and Veruca could barely hear her pleadings because her words were muffled.

"Help me, Charlie! Juice me! Please!" Violet begged.

Violet's labia had become engorged to the point that they were now gigantic. Charlie wanted Veruca to watch him penetrate the great fruit.

"Come down, Veruca!" he called up to her.

"I can't do it, Charlie! I'm too excited! You'll have to pull me down!" she responded.

Charlie looked up at her with glowing blue eyes. He grabbed a coiled rope beside him he'd often used to reel in fly-away Oompa Loompas. He flung the lasso around her. It pulled in tightly against her slim waistline as he dragged her down to view the swelling berry-being about to burst before them.

"Charlie, you have to do something, quick!" the floating Veruca screamed as he drew her closer to the pulsing blimp.

"Her skin's so tight, touch it," Charlie grasped Veruca's hand and rubbed it against Violet's taught side. "She's grown too fast. We won't be able to fit her into the juicing room..." Charlie realized he was about to have an explosion on his hands.

"Nooo!" came Violet's muffled protest. "Don't let me explode!"

"Puncture her!" yelled Veruca. "Now! Or she'll POP!"

The blue glow had engulfed Charlie's member. It burst out of his pants.

The enormous, dark blue lips were stretching back against the growing girth of the monstrous blueberry girl.

"I'm going to have to POP YOU!" he announced to the quaking thirty-foot wide thing that was once an attractive co-ed.

He swung Veruca against the wall. Then he rose fifteen feet into the air until his penis was level with the tight, swollen, ridiculously immense, clenched tight vagina. Violet's clitoris was engorged as well. It throbbed as his phosphorescent cock approached.

The great, growing thing that was Violet Beauregard was quavering. She was now over thirty-five feet wide and continuing to fill up with fizzy blueberry juices.

Veruca pushed herself off the wall and rammed her body into Charlie which sent his pulsating cock straight into the quivering deep violet stained orifice. Glowing blue spew flooded into Violet as he came.

But her body couldn't take anymore. A violent chemical reaction swirled within the now nearly twenty-meter wide Miss Beauregarde. A foaming, expanding mass lit up her still expanding, wobbling shape.

"Mumph! Helph! Don't let me POP!" the twenty-two year old squealed.

Charlie pulled out several feet. Some of the incandescent frothy blue matter began to shoot out of Violet's vagina.

Veruca was pinned up against the wall again. Charlie's massive priapus glowed brighter and grew fatter and longer. Veruca had to help him pop Violet. She couldn't watch the berrygirl continue to froth and glow and grow ever larger. Veruca chewed hard on another fizzy-lifting pill and launched herself once more against the backside of Charlie Bucket.

Charlie had no choice. His enormous shooting phallus punctured Violet.


She exploded.

The blue-white blast blinded Charlie and Veruca. They had popped Violet Beauregarde.

They were drenched in blueberry fizz. Licking each other, they floated up to the roof of the quarter mile high stadium.

"Don't worry, Veruca. We'll get another Violet," Charlie assured his lover.

"And we'll grow her stadium-sized!" Veruca answered.

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I love inflation
I love inflation's picture

That's sad.Violet is my favorite character.

Alexis Styles

That-oneweirdguy24's picture

Just... sheesh.

Buttocks and Bellies and Breasts, oh my!