How to end a popping story...

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How to end a popping story...

Should this go in the story section? I'm not sure, it's a bit of an abstract or basic inflation story I think.

So I was thinking, what's a good ending for a story where the inflation ends with a pop? Or any inflation scenario?

I think that this is open to interpretation based on how one likes their pops. But most stories I've read (still very fulfilling) simply end with "BANG" or "KABOOM!" or some variation. I think I understand ending with the "pop," due to most taking the interpretation that popping is the end of the character. So it's the enjoyment of the pop without dwelling on the implications popping brings.

But I think that some new thoughts or ideas may be a good exercise!

If someone pops, what happens afterwards? If they were with someone? If they were alone? How do people react?

That-oneweirdguy24's picture

In general, the way most popping fics end with a simple boom is what makes me dislike them. I would rather get something a bit more... uplifting. Like maybe cut to a few months after the burst and have characters talk about the impact the popped person had on their lives. Although in the ideal popping story, I would have the inflatee live on in some form. I know to many people the finality is one of the best aspects, but I'd like to see just one story where we maybe have the popped come back as a ghost like the final scene in Return of the Jedi. Yeah, that wouldn't appeal to most, but at least it'd be something different.

Buttocks and Bellies and Breasts, oh my!


Personally I like stories to have a bit of aftermath, both physical and psychological. Scenes of destruction, and people discussing the fact that they just saw a girl blow up and explode. This can be a paragraph or so after the description of the explosion, but still, not too much because the explosion is like the climax. I like to just dwell a little on the enormity and catastrophic nature of what just happened. I can do this before the explosion too, as the inflatee projects forwards in time and imagines what will happen when she blows. It's kind of fun because she can only wonder what will happen.

But cutting to black on the BOOM, is another way to do it. I'm sure I've used that in my own stories at least a couple of times. I still enjoy that for it's own merits. Ending right on the climax and such.

Another one is the off-screen or implied explosion, which is also fun in it's own way. Leaving things to the imagination.

As for Weirdguy's comments. I think that's a view from someone who isn't into popping and while I've heard people say from time to time that authors should do this or that to mitigate the deathy feeling that's only really an issue for people who don't much care for popping anyway. So I think ideally for him (I might be wrong) the story just wouldn't have any popping at all. Personally I don't like it where there is some kind of deus-ex-machina to ram home the idea that yeah she isn't dead. We've discussed the whole death thing before though so I won't reiterate the whys and wherefores of why popping fans don't feel it as death.

That-oneweirdguy24's picture

Yeah, I'll admit I'm not the real target for this forum. That said, I as of recent have become more open to the idea of bursting. I get the feeling I'll eventually handle deaths better, but this is how it stands right now. It may be worth noting that when I first discovered the idea of popping, it repulsed me the way some are by the inflation fetish as a whole. So I guess you could say I'm making baby steps.

Buttocks and Bellies and Breasts, oh my!

LutherVKane's picture

I generally don't like ending a popping story with just a “Kaboom!”, even though I have done it before. I think most stories benefit from addressing the aftermath, even if it’s only a sentence or two. Although my reasoning is pretty much the exact opposite of That-oneweirdguy24’s.

For me, the aftermath is a way of communicating the finality of popping. I’m saying “Yes, that really happened. He/she exploded and is gone.”

If the victim was alone, then there should be some reference to the effects of the popping: the sound of distant thunder, a destroyed building. The point being that if someone explodes with enough force to level a building and/or be heard miles away, then it’s pretty much over.

If there was a witness, then there should be some acknowledgement of what happened. It could explicitly mention death, or just refer to the person as gone. Either way, it conveys a sense of permanence.

doubleintegral's picture

A few years ago, during my more experimental phase, I actually had an idea for a story that centered around popped characters from various well-known stories meeting and interacting with each other in the afterlife, as it were.  With them conscious, aware, and physically/emotionally removed from the inflation/popping situation, it was supposed to be a chance for them to look back on it and fully comprehend what had happened, whether they had enjoyed the experience or not, and what would happen to them next.  Ultimately it didn't seem all that interesting so I never wrote it, but if someone wants to take the idea and run with it, be my guest.


Popping works good with suit-inflation stories. It's like a grand finale. But it needs some aftermath too.

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group

Inflate123's picture

I like the tension of popping stories, but I tend not to like the gory ones that end with graphic descriptions of entrails. The one popping ending that I rarely see used -- and one I think I should try next time -- is "popping the cork." You get all the build up and threat of a pop, but then the pressure is released by a deflation. It's hard to do well, but with the right phrases, it can actually be a super satisfying ending.