Girl looking for an RP

Hello F 18 my name is Winter, I am looking for someone to RP, I like boob, butt, belly, and full body. I also really like RPing as a canon character who gets inflated. I like the shows RWBY, Kill la Kill, Attack on Titan, and Witch Craft Works. I'll play most femal characters in any of those with a few exceptions. (EX. Anne from Attack on Titan because SPOILER WARNING she turns into a titan) 

VarzeRedMage's picture

I'm interested in playing, do you use YIM or skype or anything like that??

Rawr :3


Hello Winter,

I'm glad I managed to track you down seeing as you don't have a YiM account. 

I would like to say regarding your ban, I'm afraid our chatzy room does not allow such things such as:

Constant hounding of female members.

Discrimination against certain races.

Acting immature when you don't get your way.

Responding to a lengthy RP text rudely or with "I smile."

Acting immature when revealing spoilers for certain shows just for a laugh.

Upsetting other members just because their views don't match your own.

I'm sorry that it had to come to this and I hope that you find enjoyment elsewhere.

Best Regards,


Can't you just send her a private message? Did you really need to display this for everyone?

I'm mean. 


I could have sent a private message, but I think it's only fair that others who want to Roleplay with her know what she is like. 

Apologies if I have caused you any inconvenience in anyway.

AshyPie's picture

Wowie! You can RP with me! Pick me!
(Actually I don't know what any of those shows are…)

I'm a pretty kitty~

Torterra Inflation

I'll roleplay with you! Shoot me a PM!