my 11 year old brother found a video i was watching while i was out and he wants to try it but (i know this is stupid)

Will he hurt himself if i show him now
0% (0 votes)
will he be a bit safer later (4-5ish years)
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 0
Bigger and bigg...

And yes, i know this is stupid but i kinda need to know or some-BODY will squeal

Grumble grumble


Exactly what was in the video?  Certainly nothing wrong with using balloons or pillows to look bigger/inflated and whatnot, but if you mean him wanting to really try to fill his body with air or something, no way. 

LutherVKane's picture

How about we not talk about your underaged brother on a fetish site?


Here here too young not good delete this horrible thread


Here here too young not good delete this horrible thread

LutherVKane's picture

Poll closed, thread locked.

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