I may or may not have posted the story "Marie's Big Boob Job Checkup"

I may or may not have posted the story "Marie's Big Boob Job Checkup" by me (Dr. Bo) and Kirby, aka Sugarhigh on these forum.

I did click the save button to complete the procedure but now can't find the story anywhere and I wanted to check if the html thingies worked fine, and I don't wnat to post it twice either.


If anyone can help I'll be grateful!

The story came out from a long string of rp session and can be found here: http://doctorbo.deviantart.com/art/Marie-s-Big-Boob-Job-Checkup-468955677


Thanks guys!

LutherVKane's picture

All submitted content goes into the approval queue. Once it's approved, it will appear on the site.

doctorbo's picture

Neato - I may have botched up the html part italics, bold and all) - if I can fix it just drop a line and I'll do.

As of note, the rp sessions on which the story was created was conceived over those forum, so it's fitting it end up in here ;)

Visit the doctor's office: http://doctorbo.deviantart.com/