Just How WOULD I Inflate You?

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Leaf Man
Leaf Man's picture
Just How WOULD I Inflate You?

I know there are already a few of these circulating around the forum, but I wanted to give my writing skills a shot. So, send me some inflation requests (try and specify as much as possible) and I'll attempt to cater to them with some prose. I don't think I have any triggers or anti-kinks, so pretty much anything is available as far as I'm concerned!

Ohh... Merry Christmas Japan Nineteen Eighty-Siiiii...

Leaf Man
Leaf Man's picture

Shoot. I accidentally made two of these. Oh well, if any admins are reading this, feel free to delete this topic. As for readers, redirect yourself to the topic directly above this one if you may.

Ohh... Merry Christmas Japan Nineteen Eighty-Siiiii...