Stuffing/Force Feeding/WG Question - Please Help :)

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Stuffing/Force Feeding/WG Question - Please Help :)

Okay so I was talking with my girlfriend last night and we were kidding around and she said she was going to steal all money after she kills me so she can take over the world (kidding of course). She then said she didn't know how to kill me and I said she could make me so fat I couldn't move. She then agreed by saying she'd make me so fat I'd burst. Could this mean that she may actually have a feeding fetish she hasn't told me about? 


Sounds like it. Ask her about it, maybe even open up to her about your own similar fetishes and if you manage to convince her, she might be open to taking part in feeding sessions. That is of course you're comfortable with that, just casually bring it up in a general conversation and she's your girlfriend, you can talk to her about anything. Just recall the little joke and maybe expand on it by asking what kind of foods she'd feed you with, then hit her with the question if she does have a fetish.

CorpulentArtifice's picture

I actually had a similar experience with an ex-boyfriend of mine.  He actually made a couple inflation and stuffing/WG-related comments in casual conversation, both of which are kinda major fetishes of mine.  It kinda seemed like the universe was hinting at me to tell him about it, so I eventually did.  He wasn't into them himself, but he was super cool and accepting of it (even asking if there was anything he could do to accomodate my fantasies) and it went over pretty well in general.  Regrettably, we broke up before anything could come of that, though.  :P

My other ex and I also used to joke about weight gain, until he found out I was into it.  He was okay with me being into it, but he also didn't want to touch it with a five-foot pole, so it was a much more lukewarm response.  He did eventually start teasing me about liking it, though, which was amusing, but it never actually went anywhere.

Your mileage may vary, but in my experience, jokes about expansion are as good a cue as any to come out of the...  what do we expansionists call it?  Come out of the balloon cupboard?  The helium shed?

Formerly known as SignoreMirtillo