Looking for an old GIF file about guido and helium breast inflation...

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Looking for an old GIF file about guido and helium breast inflation...

Many years ago, I remember downloading an interactive animated file that I have not seen since, and hope that anyone out there might remember it or have a link.


A lady is having a conversation with a man at a bar, who tells her that her breasts are too small, and a man named Guido tells her to go to the backroom and he can help her with her problem. Next scene she is hooked up to a helium tank, and you as the watcher are asked how big you want her breasts to be inflated to. There were three buttons to click on, labeled "big, bigger and biggest". If you chose big or bigger, Guido would insist that you really wanted 'biggest', so you would click on it. Guido says "Oh shit", and her breasts start inflating out of control. Next scene you see her floating in the sky under an enormously inflated pair of tits. Later, after she has deflated, she meets the same man in a bar, and tells him that his penis is too small, and sends him to Guido for 'treatment'. Next scene he is floating under and inflated penis.

Anyone know where to find this?