Back on the Wagon and looking for a story reviewer

Hey all

Back to writing after some time and I was wondering if any of you would like to be a personal story reviewer for me? Just to put my over critical mind at bay. Perks would be you get to see the stories first and.....thats it sadly no pay for the position but youll get a nifty title!:p




No promises, sir.

But it's good you're alive and kicking.

Also, if I may - there's Prose that Blows going. You might want to take part.

Just shhh! don't tell anything about your story in public.


Hello Lopni 

Hanging on in there brother thanks for the well wishes! 

Would you maybe be able to read one story I have prepped already? 

Ive noticed the Prose that Blows I just never understood the concept of it and feel Im not the most experimentive writer but thankyou for the suggestion