Maxgrowth Water Hose Inflation

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Maxgrowth Water Hose Inflation

I very rarely post here, because it gets labelled as advertising, but we don't often do hose inflation in our clips and I thought this might have more of a particular interest for the folks on this board. I'm hoping some of you may enjoy the pic.Maxgrowth Water Hose InflationMaxgrowth Water Hose Inflation 2


I certainly think hose in the mouth is the best :-)


I agree, it's my favorite too:)

BalloonInflator's picture

I'm not accusing you of advertizing either, but it might be worth suggesting to Luther that he create a board specifically for this type of thing. A sort of "Look what I found" board where users can post the images and videos they've discovered, and those who make said vids and pics can "adverstize" them without being persecuted for it.

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...

LutherVKane's picture

Advertisements have always been allowed in the forum, so long as the product is relevant to body inflation and the vendor keeps updates in a single thread. This is fine.

BalloonInflator's picture

Ah, well. There you go :)

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...


I appreciate the clarification, but I genuinely try not to take advantage of the hospitality here.