New comer... g'day!

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Th3 Sp33d Of Light
New comer... g'day!

Thought I'd finally make an account on here. Been into the whole belly inflation thing for a good few years now but only recently have been practicing it myself. 
I do recall attempting to suddenly gain weight when I was younger by eating heaps of candy (I have no idea... I was a kid) and I think that's where it all started. I'm 19 now and have been practicing inflation via air and liquids for about a year. Been a bit paranoid about the air up the bum... but have achieved good results. It's my preferred method as I dont really enjoy what comes afterwards with an water enema method... 

Have recently achieved awesome results through drinking large amounts of liquids. The best I can do at this stage is about 1 litre which ended up making a belly measurement of around 30.5" (which isnt bad for a skinny guy like me). Have also tried the diet coke and mentos thing but didnt get overly great results. Still trying to decided which method I like best and I do understand the dangers (which kinda puts me off trying these things). 

SO, what's people's preferred methods? Just trying to get an idea. :)

I think that's about it for now... So... yea.

Th3 Sp33d Of Light

Also... can't work out how to edit my post. Any help would be great.


You can't edit the original post, though I believe Luther, the site owner can if you really need it done.

and welcome.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Welcome to the forums! To help you with your predicament, I'll place this FAQ that I highly suggest you read; it should answer most if not all of your questions.

I've been practicing real life belly inflation for about five years now, and studied and gathered whatever knowledge I could on it, so if you have questions not answered in the FAQ, please give me a PM (Private Message) and I'll be most happy to help!


Also, to quickly add to this, if you want, in my opinion the most comfortable and my favourite method of inflation, check out the high capacity enema section in the FAQ, and make sure to get an enema kit for it. Once you get a kit, I promise you won't go back to anything else :)


(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

Th3 Sp33d Of Light

Awesome, thanks for that. Great advice. :)

Although, I think my best results have been through the orally ingesting liquids. The whole water intoxication has scared me for a while but after significant research over the past year, I've figured ways of avoiding/reducing the effects of water intoxication and it seems to be one of the best methods me. Although air is quite nice, it has a whole different feeling compared to the liquid. However, I think I might try the enema method some time. Seeing as the water leaves your system quicker during the deflation, I assume the risk of water intoxication is reduced?

I'm chronic worrier when it comes to things so I do apologise. >.< 

BananaApple's picture

Hellow ^^,


I joined this site about a week ago also out of curisotity. I only tried it once with water but plan to do an air one next month.  I need equipment first. So for experience I am new to this but I study Biology so if you want any tips about safety you could ask me. Both methods have their good and bad side but neither is 100% safe. But on the other hand to people other stuff with their bodies which aren't 100% either, like smoking or drinking. Still it is kind of different. For tips on good inflations ACG is the pro. 

You're free to pm me to talk about these things but for fun as well. 


Finally make an account? It's more than 40 weeks old, unless I'm totally mistaken. Granted, that happens rather often :-P

In any case, welcome!

Th3 Sp33d Of Light

Oh dangit. When I wrote the post I was running of about 4 hours sleep... I meant that I had finally decided to make a post, not create an account. Have had this account for a while but completley forgot about it until recently. :P

BalloonInflator's picture

I'm not as experienced as ACG, but his FAQ has really helped me a lot. I too preferred air over water for the longest time, probably for the same reasons as you. Now, thanks to his advice, I like water more. One of these days, I'm going to find out if a combination of the two is better, or even possible without hurting myself.

So welcome, and happy inflating!

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...