Questions about inflatable latex suits

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bodyinflationboy's picture
Questions about inflatable latex suits

1. When they say apply baby powder, where? Everywhere or specific body parts? I'm a male if that's needed.

2. What's a good pump for suits? Rather have one that can inflate and suck air to make it easy to deflate my suit.

3. Polishing, it is required? I care more about my sexual gratification than whether my suit is shiny or not, so should I be fine not polishing?

4.  Anything else important I should know? I'll be doing this all by myself as I have no friends to really help me with this. (Unless you're in Southwest Washington, then PM me)

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture
  1. Yes, baby powder everywhere. This will help ensure it doesnt stick to you, and plus, baby powder feels awesome.
  2. I can't really vouch for one that deflates as well as inflates; you can probably go to your local home hardware store and ask them. For inflation, I have a basic electric Air mattress inflator that works very well (I plug it into a power bar that I can turn on and off whenver I please).
  3. I don't think it's really required, I haven't done it myself, but the suit won't look as nice. I'm not a latex expert though.
  4. You always want to have a partner with this kind of stuff. In whatever sort of emergency that you need to get out of your suit, unless you feel like cutting it to get out, you'll need help to get out of it. Since I'm 21 and I live at home (everyone tells me too, and yes I'm fully independant) sometimes my mother or little brother will help me out with deflation if I need it. Thankfully you don't have to tell them it's a sexual fetish, because in my case I like the closeness and the pressure, something my family understands so they aren't weirded out by it. Also, make sure that if you need to get out you have a way to do so, but other than that everything should be A-OK (if you have any medical attentions or requirements, you should list them here and I can say if it'll be a problem or not).

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bodyinflationboy's picture

I don't have any medical attentions or requirements, I used to have ADHD but that's the most of everything. And I don't have anyone to really help me with deflation

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Your gonna have to find some sort of inflator that can deflate you as well then. You can possibly try to exit through the head hole of one, but that would cause a lot of stretching to the material, and that probably wouldnt be good for it long term (that's also assuming its not super inflated, just like maybe twice its size inflated or so, otherwise the material will be more taut).


The reason I asked for medical stuff was that wearing latex can cause environments where temperature regulation will be affected. For instance, whenver I wear my suit I am always more warm in it. It's not usually uncomfortably warm, but its worth mentioning anyways if your intollerant towards heat. Same can go for cool air if your surrouding environment is very chilled, the air in the suit will cool to the surrounding environment as well.

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bodyinflationboy's picture

I only found pumps that can inflate, one says deflate but it only turns off. Unless I can pull it from the place where the hose goes and then it can deflate like a balloon when it's untied. The one inflator and deflator I found costs $50 on Amazon. I'm not good at looking this stuff up. I found good hoses and a suit from lustlatex, just need to find a good pump. If you can find a good cheap pump, I would be grateful

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Well I found with my suit is that it sort of has an auto seal on it (it's not perfect, but will retain a good amount of air), so if I inflate it I dont have to tie it shut afterwards. This is beneficial for me as it can slowly deflate that way and if I want to pump it back up I just turn on the inflator.

For a pump, I think they'll cost around that price because they don't really have inflators/deflators built for this, you basically need to get an industrial pump. My inflator is similar to this one,
 but unless you can have someone remove it, and push the deflation hole past the auto sealing flaps, it'll only be able to inflate it. There might be more options, but this is really the best ones I know of. You'll basically want to have help if you need it unfortunately.

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bodyinflationboy's picture

The $50 one I found ( says it can deflate and it has a hose

bodyinflationboy's picture

I sent that link in the other post for the $50 one. This is the same but without a hose ( and it says "When the fun is done, the pump also deflates your airbed or inflatable for quicker storage." Would I want the one with the hose so I can hold the pump in my hand?

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Ideally, you'll want the one with a hose, because if you can hold the inflator, you can control it better and either move it into a deflation hole or just remove it and have it slowly deflate that way (assuming the hose is long enough). It's hard for me to see at the moment, and I'll try to record a video soon and show you what (I think for your suit) the inflator valve looks like and works like.

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bodyinflationboy's picture

Ok, let me know when the video is done, either here or PM

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Sorry for the very late video, I had a lot of things I was juggling at the time (mom has cancer so I've spent a lot of time with her).
The video is quite improvised but I tried to show how the inflator valve works, what I use and some examples from others. 

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bodyinflationboy's picture

Also, I was wondering if I have to wash it everyday or if I could wash it/clean it once every 3 days or so

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Well, everytime you finish using it, you'll want to wash it as soon as possible. The reason why is that things like sweat and bacteria can degrade the latex, oil being the worst (that's why its always a good idea to take a good shower beforehand). You'll want to get that stuff off as soon as you can. Now, you can of course not wash it, but misuse will cause faster degradation because latex is basically a living material. Using it right however, I've heard can keep garnments going for 10+ years.

Also, when you do wash it, make sure you seal the inflator valve! You do not want water getting inside the layers, because if it does, It'll be trapped inside and can cause it to rot. Same goes by blowing in it with your mouth, as you'll introduce moisture that way.

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