Highest Quality Version of 2005 Violet Beauregarde inflation possible?

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Highest Quality Version of 2005 Violet Beauregarde inflation possible?

Is there anywhere I could find the scene of Violet's inflation from the 2005 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in the highest quality possible, preferably free on the Internet? Many YouTube videos I've seen are very pixilated and this means like details such as her navel are blurred out.

AirPump's picture

This seems like another "Please give me free shit, I'm too cheap to buy it legally!" post.

Fill 'er up!

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

I mean you could just get the movie and watch that scene. Sounds like the most reasonable option to me. And hey, The movie itself isn't that bad, That's a plus.

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 



Like this?

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

I am assuming they want something of Blu-Ray quality like this in a rip


Problem is that video is a handheld filming Blu-Ray. I've been searching for BR quality versions of this scene too but I don't have a player and it seems like without the proper hardware you can't get the full experience. It's that weird British TV-like life-like movement that makes the scene "pop" so I can sympathize with OP but I feel that without the proper investment their request will essentially go nowhere.

Inflate123's picture

Blu-ray is the highest quality version currently possible.

Can you afford $5? How about $4 used? Yes, this for the Blu-ray edition:

If you can't afford that, then consider skipping a coffee or a bottle of soda for a day or two, and save up for the ability to watch the film whenever you want in the highest fidelity possible forever and ever amen.

inflatingclothes's picture

go to your local CEX store, i got the 2-disk dvd for 50p

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