inflation in a game

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MidriffManiac's picture
inflation in a game

was playing a game and there's a boss called "Ego" who obviously has an inflated ego, so i giggled and joked to myself that it would be funny if she inflated

but then she actually did.

it's supposed to be her "final form" or something, and her name in this form actually is "Inflated Ego"

it's a shame her inflation wasn't animated, but once you beat her she pops in a small sequence

Tai Lin
Tai Lin's picture

And the game is?

MidriffManiac's picture

silly me, can't believe i forgot that!!

it's pretty alright and you come across Ego about an hour into the game...

flationable's picture

Cute use of very simple sprites, nice that they did the reference as well.

I recently discovered an app game based around heavy weight gain as well. Fast Food Rampage, where you play a clown whose business was ruined by vegan hipsters and is going on a crazed burger-shooting rampage. It involves both male and female inflation, and cartoonish popping.

Tai Lin
Tai Lin's picture

The Dev of this game HAS to be lowkey inflationist.

If not, he needs to be. This game is just too... fitting for the fetish.

MidriffManiac's picture

i love this! great find!

EDIT: oops, meant to reply to flationable


These screenshots for the ego boss look good :-)


yet another beautiful idea how to incorporate inflation into a mainstream game ^_^

hind thought after fast food rampage - ...and we think we are misoginic/misandric ^_^


Playing Annventure(the game referenced by original poster)

- Little summary.

It's pretty interesting. It's an RPG (Walk through the world following a story, and have battles Pokemon style that make you increase your level of health and attack). Combines horror and comedy. It actually managed to frighten me a couple times. For those of you that tend to be impressed with blood like me, it doesn't have a lot of it. Once in a while you will reach areas with dead people in a little puddle of blood. Ego's popping isn't gory. She just dissapears and the explosion sound is heard. I'm glad about that :-)

- Spoiler, but more inflation later in the game.

Talking about Ego, she happens to survive. I've reach a point in which she returns and becomes your friend(friend of the characters you are playing as at that moment). She inflates and lets you ride her to cross the ocean. You actually control her during that trip(out of battle). Here's where I am now(haven't completed the game yet). It's been about six hours(it tells you how long you have been playing when you save). Keep in mind I've explored the paths somewhat deeply, and trained against many little foes, so you might get there sooner depending on the way you play.

Perhaps even more inflation to come. It has four Save slots. I'm using some of them to store the inflation parts so I can come back later and play these parts again.

Thanks MidriffManiac for sharing this find! Really enjoying it.


Phew! Finally finished Annventure. Came back to it a couple days ago and I've just completed it now. There's an extra bit at the end related to inflation. Not visual but very interesting text about it.

A little spoiler in this paragraph, but read if you want to avoid being caught offguard in a scary moment of the game(I'll talk about inflation in a later paragraph):
It creeped me out again. There's a part in which the game starts talking to you by your name. I had forgotten that the game asked for my name at the beginning, and that it insisted that it had to be my real game(I started a new save slot to verify this). You know, the name you write doesn't appear on the save slots, doesn't in the inventory either, nor in most of the game. You forget about it, and then suddenly your playable character is kicked away of the screen and an invisible demon starts breaking the fourth wall using your actual name. It's all written text, but it paralyzed me for a moment. The music helps a lot to set the mood. Even with the primitive graphics, I'd say this game is a little masterpiece for it's use of words and music.

How long does this game take to complete?
In my save slot it says 07:52:04, and that's the last time you save, but there's like half an hour more(if you savor the character's text dialogue, which is totally attention captivating, and if you explore the area to the max). So I'd say my playthrough took like 8 hours total. Maybe there's more secrets or Easter Eggs. Who knows!

The last inflation bit
Thanks heaven it has a happy ending. After all that tension it was a relief(and I completed the game playing at night). Alright. After you defeat the final boss, you come back to the heroine's hometown. You can explore the area and talk to people. Everyone with happy comments. You can find Ego again. If you talk to her she says: "I googled myself. You have to tell me, who is Deviantart? I love them!!!"
And talking about Deviantart, that's what made me come back to the game. I had stopped playing it as a combination of being too busy, and saving it for a later moment as I needed to cheer up(I can be a little sensitive to the horror genre sometimes). Time passed and I forgot about it. But came across Ego fan art twice at Deviantart that reminded me of it
Then searched "Annventure", and found some more pictures:

Ego by Rozay-Tv-show

Ego by RedFlamingHood

An Inflated Ego by BittyHeart (one version)

An Inflated Ego by BittyHeart(another version)

Steamed Ego by WonderCube

This is the fanart that reminded me of the game back in January:
Inflated Ego by ShamefulRadio

And this is the fanart that filled the cup and made me go back and resume playing:
Ego Blimp by bo-the-sno

What can I say to end this post? Well, I recommend the game :)