What movie/tv character would you like to pop.

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firnov's picture
What movie/tv character would you like to pop.

We have many forums about what character we like to inflate. So i thought lets take that forum to the next level. Who of the characters would you like to pop, why you want them to pip, and how would you like them to pop?

And boom goes the inflatee

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

She's from a webcomic, So technically she doesn't count.. But fuck it, I hate her enough to break the rules of this post to put her in here.

Aranea Serket. I just.. I hate. With my very soul. My very being. A VEHEMENT hatred of Aranea, So much so that her being involved with a violent and very big popping incident would be satisfying for me on two levels.

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

firnov's picture

Well i think it can count.. i just put movie/tv into it to find characterd who almost all people know. But you filled in the complete name of the character, so a quick google and i know about it ;)

And boom goes the inflatee

firnov's picture

Well i think it can count.. i just put movie/tv into it to find characterd who almost all people know. But you filled in the complete name of the character, so a quick google and i know about it ;)

And boom goes the inflatee


I actually haven't seen more than a few episodes of the show, but I have quite a few scenarios in my head for Dayanara Diaz from "Orange is the New Black".


I am not quite sure why - perhaps she has such a soft presence (physically and personality wise) on such a hard show and I think her actress is appealing.

firnov's picture

Im not familiar with the show. But she looks really pretty

And boom goes the inflatee


She is really pretty! Or at least I think so too.


I think what did it is that one episode I saw was in an early season, and the next one she was in the late stages of a (faked for the show) pregnancy - so in my mind she already had inflated a bit. Doesn't take much, does it?