crowd mass inflating/deflating

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Auriga's picture
crowd mass inflating/deflating

 For some reason I tend to like scenes involving many people being inflated, or (preferrably) deflated and generally helpless at hands of one or few in charge of situation. Best if there is a twist, reader or watcher has no idea that the crowd is actually inflatable just before the show starts.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture


It is an interesting concept, But group-flation loses a bit of the intimacy for me.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

Auriga's picture

 Less intimate, but offers cool options for scenario. 


Agreed. However, when inflation happens to a small group instead of an actual crowd, it works quite good for me.

bloatingtillexploding's picture

I personally like the scenario where sometype of alien invasion occurs.  The cliche scene when the aliens attack and the humans are helpless and getting blown up like balloons and popping.

-Just another weirdo

Auriga's picture

 Alec Deluxe wrote a series of inflation thriller stories about mass inflation and pop, caused by some "terminator" firing inflation beam at girls on campus. There is a (diminshing)  group of main characters trying to escape from their death but the inflation and bursting is quite rampant with loud BOOM heard very often.


I can't find that story. Can you link to it?


Is there a link to this story please?


I might use this as a concept for a story. Thanks! 

Auriga's picture

 Do you mean chain-inflation (catching it up from burst people?)


This is a really nice chain inflation sotry IMO

Do you know more?

firnov's picture

Oouuhh... i crazy fantasy i have these days suits good for this one:

There is a night club with this big main room with stage. As the room is full and the party is going a dancer is on the stage. As she dances she inflate till she is really big. She walks to the front of stage close to the party group. She pops, but as she pops gass comes out of her body. The girls close to the stage start to inflate to. The pop and spread gass to infect the next girls who end up the same. The doors are locked, so the dancing people are just have to the turn to pop. The room once full of dancing girls is just empty.... the doors open and the staff with gasmasks and brooms come in to sweep all the clothes and skin of the floor..."

And boom goes the inflatee

Auriga's picture

 Thats really sexy. And I read stories involving similar thing ("The Pop" by Lopni)

firnov's picture

Meby i have read this story. I not really know. But it just came up to me... but i will read this story now for sure.

And boom goes the inflatee

airtankgirl5's picture

Hm, interesting, clearly things get less intimate, but sounds like there's a lot of fun to be had


Auriga's picture

You are right. And of course there can be a combination: a stroy of two characters inflating in details and with emotions, and all the hissing crowd is a background.


Catnapped, an old Anime, has a scene of interest.  The main villian kidnaps dozens of people then inflates them by touching them as she runs through the crowd of mostly male cat people.

Auriga's picture

Although I'm not a huge fun of furries, this looks pretty hot!

Cosinusitis's picture

Roleplayed that once, t'was great.

Bubblegum-themed villain ends up inflating a crowd of men during a big gallery show using his magical gum. It was heaps of fun, especially imagining the inflating guys rubbing against one another as the place gets more and more crowded with their rounding bodies.

Of course, roleplaying all the dudes at once would've been murder, so there were just general reactions and stuff, but boy was it good. Imagining all the button popping from their fancy outfits was just icing on top of the cake.

My username is stupid.

Better known as Poqato on the art scene.

Auriga's picture

 I'd roleplay that. Well, but inflator better be girl.

Auriga's picture

In one the Russian stories I wrote, there is a team of awfully bad footbal (soccer actually) players, that lost yet another match and are going to be kicked out of the league.


 Their manager (female witch) converts them into male inflatable sexdoll versions of themselves, because this way they'll be more useful. Then she invites her assistants to deflate and package guys. It happens, that girls forgot to take antidote and they get converted too, so there is a lot of wrestling, doll-transformation, plug pulling and deflation in the room.


I love the theme of mass inflations. Come to think of it, I think most of my stories have a multiple or mass aspect to them

I even wrote one where the inflations happen all over the world simultaneously ;) But I don't think that one turned out very well.

One of my favorite themes, aside from the pop/spreading theme, is the blimp virus where a female news reporter is describing the epidemic and (of course) blows up on live TV

"Puffylite" is in the Library here, and was pretty well-liked. Then there is "The Really Big War" which is set in an inflation war ;)

In my extremely bad novella, there's a room full of women inflating in different ways. I always liked this scene :)


woops wrong link. That's the build-up. The fun is in this one