How do you decide whom to inflate?

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How do you decide whom to inflate?

It's my take on 'Whom do you imagine inflated' and such ^_^

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Step one: obtain nonspecific artifact of inflation

step two: spin in circle 

step three: blindly throw artifact

step four: see what artifact hit

step five: enjoy’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

Cosinusitis's picture

But what if the artifact hits a rock?

My username is stupid.

Better known as Poqato on the art scene.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Well Cosi, that's simple. Ever heard of ricocheting?’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


(holds cold to forehead after following instructions)


But what if it hits you?

Or just ignore me, that's fine.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Probably exactly what you think will happen.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


Easy, it's always me.



Oops, didn't count on that ^_^

BigPump's picture

I decide who I inflate depending on how attracted I am to them in their regular state. Say I have some heavy crush on a girl I start imagining her getting inflated

Into the belly button the hose goes




Good point! Also, thanks for your comment, it made me animate inflation of my school crush in business clothes

firnov's picture

I have to agree with Bigpump. Girls/women who i feel atrected to or find really pretty.

This can be girls or celebrities and models. In a fantasy world all you can see can turn into a balloon.

But for evry person i aint have the same fantasy. All the people would star in a story in there own way.

And boom goes the inflatee


All the people would star in a story in there own way.

Yeah, indeed inflatees should be not just different heads, but personalities, keys to plot lines or at least fun to hang out with


dart board


Muh waifus. 

or Airtankgirl because she needs to be knocked down a peg, A WHOLE PEG.

I'm mean. 

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Atg Vs Drybones, A fight to put Superman V Batman to shame.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

CobaltSnake's picture

hey wow I'm back remember me probably not

Honestly, I just imagine a crush or a hot video game character. I don't really put that much thought into my fantasies.

I think I've had too much...


Welcome back ^_^ your most recent thread is very similar to this one. Actually...


How do you decide whom to inflate?

Usually, I'd say pick somebody with some kind of exaggerated physical feature, and at the same time some kind of behaviour that "asks for it". Let's give some examples from movies, videogames, etc that I feel worked very well:

Roger Rabbit(movie)

-Situation: Roger Rabbit gets stuck in a vacuum cleaner that turns on in reverse.

-Exaggerated Physical features: long and thin eyes, ears, cheeks and arms. Short and wide legs

-Behavior: While he's a good guy, he's clumsy, doesn't watch his step, worries too easily, and somewhat doesn't put boundaries to make others respect him. That's kind of allowing "being invaded". Good match for inflation.


Naked Gun 2 & 1/2(movie)

-Situation: Hector Savage, a hired assasin, tries to kill the hero, but the hero forces a firehose in his mouth and opens the water pressure full blast. After a while the hero tries to stop what he started, but the valve breaks up and water flow cannot be stopped.

-Exaggerated physical features: Cheekbones and chin kind of stand out. Not sure how this skin characteristic is called, but his is full of little "holes".

-Behavior: He's very low. Kills for money. What you do to others will eventually happen to you. Even though the hero tried to "save him", it's like the universe said "Sorry, this is what is meant to happen" and the valve breaks. Everything executed with comedy gives a killer result!


Dig Dug(Videogame)

-Situation: The baddies get inflated with an air pump until they pop.

-Exaggerated physical features: Very round, ball-like, with big eyes that express very well the feeling of pressure.

-Behavior: They want to eat the hero, which kind of allows a response of "Eat air you creature from hell!". This tends to work with predator characters, like cats trying to eat a mouse or canary(Sylvester the Cat, Tom from "Tom and Jerry"), or bulldogs, which look menacing and bite things.


Deep Duck Trouble(videogame)

-Situation: Uncle Scrooge (a millonaire duck character) takes a treasure from a temple in an island. It is cursed, and causes him to inflate and float like a hot air balloon. This one annoyed me, since I developed respect towards Uncle Scrooge as a kid watching DuckTales. There are reasons for it to work very well though, and I like the shines on the body and floating, and this became one of my favourite videogames of all times.

-Exaggerated physical features: Disney ducks have kind of an inflated looking rear.

-Behavior: While he have had several moments of generosity, regreting bad things he did, and welldoing, he's also many times been depicted as greedy, not caring for others, and wanting to accumulate things for himself only. Specially in the comics. So kind of a karma thing here as well. It also fits very well, because talking about accumulation, it's like destiny said "like to accumulate things for yourself? Here you have lots of air to accumulate and expand!". Also, since Scrooge is so related to money, well, you know, there's that inflation thing in economics.


Regarding Attractive women

How would an exaggerated feature look on an attractive woman? An attractive woman is usually pictured with balanced features. But in my opinion inflation fits better if she has some exaggerated feature. Examples: exaggerated curves, big mouth, big haircut, some big jewelry like big earrings, very sepparated eyes.

-Exaggerated curves:

-Big mouth:

-big haircut:

-Big earrings:

-Exaggerated facial expressions:

Regarding attitudes, they must be somehow "asking for it" as well, like in the examples described earlier.


thank you for this research, i'll show it to an artist once i have one ^_^ it's nice forum has such posts


I'm glad you find it useful Lopni ^_^

MixMaster (not verified)

The consensual ones?...

I mean, it can always be the "unconsensual" inflation, but there's always that setup before hand, safe words and the like.


I don't think any inflation is 100% consensual or not, start to finish ^_^


[from within the power of my imagination]

Mean-Spirited Person Who Just Happens To Be Hot: "I'm an ass and I treat others poorly, or just YOU. But--oh, crap!"

[inflation ensues]

"I meat the criteria! And because I'm a jerk, and NOT just attractive, then I'm gonna--"

[the explosion stirs vestrumtobias back to reality]

Huh? Oh. Yeah. That's one way I choose: sexy bullies. Odd?


giggle exactly ^_^

I just noticed that my team tends to inflate first

     those who pose biggest threat to them

          and among those -

          opponents who are easiest to overfill

               either because they're smaller

               or they're already partially inflated

But also noticed that at times I pick the coolest curves rather than whom logic dictates to pick ^_^


I like this approach too :-)


I have a wife, so probably her.

Or just ignore me, that's fine.