Youtube videos with opinions about inflation scenes

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Youtube videos with opinions about inflation scenes

I've been performing some tasks, at home. Some homework. Meanwhile I had youtube on, with videos filled with commentaries and opinions about topics of my interest. By instance I've been hearing about the story of Nintendo, the Master System, and nostalgic commentaries of two people while they were playing "Sonic 2".

Then I wondered what would appear if I searched for "inflation review" or "inflation commentaries" at Youtube.
Would be somebody talking about inflation scenes, making commentaries, etc?
Well, economy stuff appears. Inflation scenes compilations appear. Reviews about inflatable objects as well. But nothing exactly about what I was looking for.

So I decided to create a video.

Lately, Tiny Toon's been popping up while checking for inflation stuff. These's been created recently. Take a look at the following links:

Tiny Toon Inflation compilation at Youtube

HellResident webcomic based on a Tiny Toon scene

This is why I decided to talk about Tiny Toons. Not all the comments are about inflation scenes. I seppareted the video in different subpoints, and one of them is inflation:

My Tiny Toon Youtube video

I start talking about inflation in Tiny Toons at the minute 22:50, and it lasts about 5 minutes(the different subpoints are linked in the video description as well). Keep in mind it is focused on how I perceived the inflation scenes as a kid, so go there if you are in a nostalgic mood. I also mentioned that when growing up I became interested in the idea women being inflated, and might touch the topic in greater depth in the future.


definitely an interesting background talk - never had youtube talking in background, man you're teaching me bad habits ^_^


Ah, yeah. Some tasks require your full attention, preferably without distractions.

Some other tasks are kind of automated and require less focus. Like washing dishes, or putting some papers in order after a meeting(if you do the exact same task over and over and not for the first time). Or scanning multiple pages. For these I sometimes put background talk or background music.

bigg_boss82's picture

Nice to see you are still active bud. And gotta say when I was browsing your youtube videos it is nice to see that just like me you also apreciate the original NES also.

Fairia's picture

Usually when I think of inflation commentaries on Youtube, I think of videos people make about DeviantArt searches or about the fetish in general, mostly as cringe material.


Yeah! I love the NES. In fact many of my games try to look similar to the NES :-)

Oh. I understand.

bigg_boss82's picture

I'm a collector for the orginal NES. I have gotten so many games for it. And they are the original ones not the digital downloads. Mario, Zelda and Metroid are my top 3 favorite.


Not sure if defining myself as a collector. I just get the ones I like and play them :-)

Well, regarding inflation, I have Kirby's Adventure, and Dig Dug 2. I also have the original Dig Dug for the Famicom

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Here, Might as well throw my stuff into this pit. 

This is a music video by Felix Colgrave for the band Fever the Ghost. The inflation scene is at 3:13.

Please keep in mind that this was animated by a man who has not only one of the most surreal art styles I've ever seen, But the inflation in question isn't sexy at all, It's mostly just there to match the song, But it's a trip to watch (especially when high i actually recommend that) and the song is nice. Plus, It'll probably appeal to someone. We do in fact have some real freaks here, Such as myself.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


confetti ^_^

the song is nice indeed ^_^


Well, it serves as background music as well.

I've seen it other previous times you posted it, Margeret. I gotta say the animations and strange creatures in it are very creative.

bigg_boss82's picture

DigDug 2 is a very fun game

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Felix Colgrave is a god when it comes to creating weird critters, that's for sure.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity