SizeCon Hype Thread

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SizeCon Hype Thread

Hey all! As you may know this coming Saturday is the second annual SizeCon and I must say I'm pretty hyped and figured it's soon enough for it to be appropriate to make a hype thread of sorts!

This is my first con of any sort period let alone SizeCon. As a new Tri-State native I am excited to see what's in store. So who else is going? First or second times? I'm excited to meet some of the people on this board and others and share in this strange interest of ours. 

Also what's it like if anyone has gone before? I'm not antisocial, scared of crowds, or anything but I am interested in what the general vibe and day to day is like. My only regret is that I'm only going Saturday due to work :(


First time going to SizeCon myself, but I know a friend who went.  He mentioned that the original space was kinda cramped (something I know has been rectified for this one), but he thought it was pretty neat overall.

Fairia's picture

I'm also going. My concern right now is being able to get there, having it all planned out for me being picked up to stay over in New Jersey and travel from there for both days.

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

I was under the impression SizeCon is being held in the same venue as last year but maybe I was wrong. If that's the case that's even more awesome!

And as far as Jersey Fairia I feel your pain that's where I live. As long as you're staying in either Hudson or Bergen County it shouldn't be the worst trek for you but you're still looking at almost two hours :/

Still that's probably worth the cheaper hotel rates especially near the Meadowlands so good call there if that's what you were going for. 


Nah, last year the con was held in some rinky dinky apartment in Manhattan.  If I recall correctly, I remember the organizers saying that the main room for this year's con will be bigger than the entire available space of last year's con.  Seriously, I hear it was REALLY cramped last year.

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

Oh that sounds absolutely horrid. I can't even imagine. It seems this is he first year its acting like a legit con which is alright since it seems last year was more of a test run than anything else. It's in an actual hotel conference/ballroom and it's right by LGA too so this is looking good!


Drive and/or fly safe folks. I'll see you all there. Look for a pink beanie and you'll find me.

In my Utopia there will be helium, lots of helium

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Not going, But, I think I'll help the hype thread grow.


*Edit: I Feel like we need another train to convey hype. 

yes this will do

**Edit: Nope, We need one more.

yea this should be enough Bouss’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)


Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture


i do believe that i said that yes’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

blueberryjuicer's picture

The fact you have THAT specific godzilla hype train pic makes me like you a lot without even  knowing you.

Berries are always sweet, no matter how sour they act, they'll always make the best juice.

Equation for juice filling: Volume/Quantity=[(Diameter*Circum

MixMaster (not verified)

After a long drive, we made it ^_^

Super excited for tomorrow, have fun everyone

Blimp Boy
Blimp Boy's picture

I'd love to go if I could, but I'm tight on time and money for the time being. Hope you all can have fun!

 What concerns me though, is what people will think of me if I go there. Call it paranoia if you will, but I feel like if I attend SizeCon and some video about it gets uploaded to YouTube with me in it, my family and future employers might think I'm some kind of porn addicted freak.

Check out our YouTube channel for Inflation Audio books and comic dubs.


No videos are allowed. Pictures only by express consent. I'm there now and it's leagues above its year one incarnation.

In my Utopia there will be helium, lots of helium

Blimp Boy
Blimp Boy's picture

That's good. But I can't help but think that there will be people who might sneak in cameras.

Check out our YouTube channel for Inflation Audio books and comic dubs.

MixMaster (not verified)

That... was pretty cool.

Tons of really nice people, great art and a general feeling of acceptance. 

Not going to lie, I can definitely see room for improvement, however I can easliy see myself going again and trying to help organize things for the next year ^_^


Right there with you comrade.

In my Utopia there will be helium, lots of helium

TayvaRP's picture

I can't say I'll ever go myself (I'm just not that comfortable being public with my 'interest'), but I'm happy to hear things went well :)


Just want to say thank you again to the people I met at the con, regardless of whether or not they're on this site.  It was such a joy to be a part of this event, and I certainly hope I get another chance to attend SizeCon.

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

Yes SizeCon was great I'm def going again the next time it is held! Sorry I'm late to the party here. 

Got to also see Mix's inflatable suit prototype. Though it didn't get to be seen in its full glory the thing is fucking huge. He obviously worked hard on it and no matter what comes of it bright things are ahead for the future. Thanks to everyone I got the chance to meet and here's to next time!


Adding mine to the voices of folks that went. It was a positive experience. Met a number of artists whose work I've followed for awhile, and turns out they're pleasant folks! There's also the camraderie of meeting people with the same or similar kinks in the flesh, which is kinda liberating. Pleasant attendees, decent space, and enough privacy to be discreet. I might go again if there's one next year.


It was just as awesome this year as last year. (FYI 2016 it was a cramped space in an art studio not an apartment and honestly it did little to diminish the awesomeness!)

It was wonderful to meet many of the folks on this board, and engage with each other on our preferences, our creativity, and our community. Both years were a labor of love, literally. Most of the major content producers had to subsidize the cost of going and bringing models and buying booths. Typical business owners will not do that, but SizeCon is a different animal.The organizers (both years) have sweated blood to make the events happen, putting in an extraordinary amount of time into putting on the con. Many of us are committed to 2018, so I hope that I see even more of you guys there next year.