Clothes color change

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dewj's picture
Clothes color change

In the 2005 verison of the famous Violet inflation, her tracksuit changes from a very light blue to a deep purple to match her skin. I always assumed it was being stretched and showing the skin underneath but this can't be because there is a point where she rubs her hand against the suit and it changes color where she rubbed.

Is there any logical explaination for this?

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

For the same reason that Pokemon allows 10 year olds to cockfight with literal gods.

No reason.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


A reason can be made up.

There are already major problems with the whole scenario unless you just let it be magic.  The blueberry gum itself is tiny, although it could be a catalyst.  Where does all the matter filling her body as a giant blueberry come from?  Are there wormholes in the space-time continuum through which blueberry juice arrives from some universe filled entirely with blueberry juice?  Or, does the gum generate an energy field which transmutes everything within it to blueberry?

I tinkered around with the idea that the gum was composed of a clathrate of Hoberman Spheres at one point.  The original molecules are scrunched up tiny and held together by bonds which are digested by enzymes in Violet's saliva and spring open to form large spheres.  In the process of doing so, they release molecules of liquid which are contained within them like cages.

Or, maybe the tracksuit manufacturers were in on it all the time and made a special fabric which would interact with the gum?

It's fantasy and it lets your imagination run wild, but I find more realism restricts the imagination in a creative way.  The whole story is a bit of a free-for-all in which things "just happen".  I mean, why is she called Violet in the first place?  Seems a bit of a coincidence.


dewj's picture

Very true. Guess it's best not to think about the real world logistics of such a scenario and just let your imagination fill in the gaps with whatever you want.


so, it's magic.

A 1st level spell might colour clothes, at 2nd level Violet would - wo-who! - turn violet! Acquiring thousands of gallons sounds like level 4 and retaining them until juiced, maybe for days... 

All i know Violet had a lot of experience!


I'm not looking at the scene right now, but from an artistic point of view, it might be that the new clothes color looked better with her new skin color. Maybe they wanted her to look as a whole like a blueberry, instead of looking like a blueberry with clothes.

dewj's picture

That's probably the reason behind the change as a whole. Any idea about the hand rub that seems to cause the change from an artistic perspective?


I always thought she was essentially sweating blueberry juice, which then stained her clothes.

...I meant that sarcastically.


I think you're right, caffiene, because I just noticed something for the first time.  When she drags her left hand across her belly, it briefly leaves a hand print.


Machinequeen's picture

Because fuck it



Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Beautifully said.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity