You know what.

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You know what.

Hats off to LV Kane. You surely must be doing a lot of work on this site. And it does feel like a place I commonly visit. I'm pretty sure your name was kicking around when I first visited a long time ago.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

This calls for a party.

DANCE BOY’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


Special drinks to the ladies. Just kidding

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Pff, Jokes on you, I ain't even old enough to drink yet.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


 Lol that gives you away but someone else will try to give you a drink haha. 


Well Leon and I will have drinks. Even if I gave him difficulty in his thread.


I don't mind having a drinking buddy 

LutherVKane's picture

Thank you! Words of appreciation are always welcome :)