Swallowing Air

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Swallowing Air

Hi I am new here, so I want to try to inflate myself for the first time and I don't have a airpump so I was looking up how to inflate yourself without a pump. I found out that you can inflate yourself by swallowing air so i tried doing that but it was to hard for me. So can someone tell me how to swallow air/the easiest way of swallowing air please

firnov's picture

Hey welcome on the site. I hope you will have a great time around here.

But to be honnest. I think i am gonna spoil your fun a bit (I wish i dident have to). This site has some new rules about talking about real-life inflation in open-forums. So it can be that the system will lock down your topic. So if this happens, you know why. (Its not like we dont like new people, but real-life inflations can be a medical risk).

Meby its a better idea to talk about this type of stuff with people in a private chat, or meby a site where you can talk about it openly.

I hope i dident sound like a jerk. And i specially hope you find the right awnser on your question soon or later.

Have a nice day ;)

And boom goes the inflatee


Thanks for the answer! :) btw you did not sound like a jerk at all


Hey! You can take a small towel or a strong tshirt, take it with both hands and try to tear it in two at the top of your strength. Keep arms low and pull. Do this exercise for about a minute. And then - drop the towel and relax your hands completely. You'll feel as if you inflate and fly to the ceiling ^_^

Decorating your room with balloons also helps - especially when you have them in front of you as you go to sleep or wake up