Do you save helium from a heliumtank - or you load it?

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Do you save helium from a heliumtank - or you load it?

Imagine you have a heliumtank.

You link it to your navel - and then what?

Do you operate your heliumtank picking where to save its helium and choosing yourself? (maybe save as...)

Or you load helium into yourself (maybe download from... - and pick your heliumtank) ?


Pennsylvania Ki...
Pennsylvania Kite Weather's picture

The only thing I can really get out of this is envisioning a computer-smart woman who takes her helium suit operation very seriously; treats it sort of like a piece of hi-tech. Wears rectangular glasses, either dressed for high-end business meetings or looking like an outfit you’d go on a space walk with, sans helmet.

Every power outlet in the office space also has a valve on the side granting access to the air supply. If she simply plugs in a cord into the touch-screen tablet on her wrist, she can control the flow into her clothes as she wishes.

I’d say it’s the type of woman who could be fiddling with her suit options with her keyboard while keeping straight eye-contact with her colleague. “Uh-huh. I’ll get those filed.”—said above the hissing of the air. “Soon after I slip into something more comfortable.” With a manila folder in-hand and helium giving her suit some extra lift, I’d imagine floating just over the cubicles is what she figures is the most efficient route across the office.


well said, Kite Weather!

We complain about office pressure too easily, while every position has a lift

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

This would make corporate jobs genuinely bearable if this is what they were like tbh’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity