Posts/PMs delayed

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doubleintegral's picture
Posts/PMs delayed

I can never be sure, but I'm fairly certain I'm not going crazy.

Occasionally I'll be browsing the forum or checking my PMs and see something new.  Then I'll see the time it was posted/sent and it was before the last time I checked.  So, for instance, yesterday I got a PM at 6:14am, but despite being on the forum a few times throughout the day, the message didn't show up until mid-afternoon.  I'm pretty sure it's not a matter of time zones being off because when I post/reply it shows the current time.

Please tell me I'm not crazy.  Of course, that's exactly what a crazy person would say.


I'm actually running into a similar issue to yours, in tandem with the one I described in my thread below.

doubleintegral's picture

Luther, any chance you're using some kind of caching plugin?  If so, I wonder if it's taking too long to rebuild the cache.

LutherVKane's picture

Looking into this and the forum issue. Looking into any caching is a good idea, thanks.