Bigger & Bigger & Bigger - Discord

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bigganbigga's picture
Bigger & Bigger & Bigger - Discord

Hey folks!

Just throwing out a Discord I made for all things related to the truly huge. It might be a small niche interest but the goals are gigantic to say the least. There might already be one (or more) around but figured I'd set one up since I have yet to run across one myself.

Super huge sizes, greedy expansion and the occasional big bang are encouraged topics. (I've even got a channel dedicated to real-life thiccness-through-weightlifting which I've been coaching for some years now.)

I'm still setting things up so any suggestions are encouraged!



I don't quite understand discord, but I'll check it out.

Really enjoyed your two stories.

bigganbigga's picture

Thanks! Glad to hear that. Perhaps I'll get around to writing more one day!