Story Request: Wife blows into husband's belly button and inflates him, and one day she blows him until he explodes

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Story Request: Wife blows into husband's belly button and inflates him, and one day she blows him until he explodes

I'm hoping to have a story where a woman when she's stressed out about her job, she will blow into her husband's belly button and inflate him. She had a very stressful day one day, and she blew too much air into her husband and as a result he explodes. Thanks!!


I can write that for you, at a rate of $0.10 per word.


I can't tell if you're serious with that crazy rate or not...

darkburster2's picture

You never commissioned a story before have you lol?

Misery loves company.


No, but if that's the going rate I'm about to seriously undercut some people and make some extra side cash...


The shame about setting a gag like this up is that the premise of the joke alone might spook whomever's getting set up.